

Design of Vehicle GPS/BD-DR Intergrated Navigation System

【作者】 郭庆峰

【导师】 闫连山;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会生活生产方式的不断改变,导航技术在各个领域都呈现出巨大的需求。目前,在四大卫星导航系统中,全球卫星定位系统(GPS)已经在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用,但因受制于美国而不能完全依赖,而我国自主研发控制的北斗卫星导航系统(BD, Navigation Satellite System)已经进入正式运营,且完成了亚太地区的覆盖并在进一步的完善,已成为我国在相关领域应用的趋势。虽然卫星导航系统具有精度高、全天候、可独立工作等优点,但多径效应的存在及障碍物的遮挡会导致其误差增大甚至出现信号盲区而不能定位,且普通卫星导航接收机因数据率过低并不适合于高速环境中的应用。另一方面,基于多传感器数据融合的航位推算(DR, Dead Reckoning)技术虽然具有短时精度高、实时性好等优点,但会随时间出现累计误差。由卫星导航系统与DR系统相结合而成的卫星-DR组合导航系统能够弥补各自的不足,因此成为多个领域的选择,并形成新的研究热点。为实现高精度、高可靠性且连续导航定位的目的,本文对卫星导航与航位推算导航分别进行研究,分析了各自的不足。针对目前航位推算技术的缺陷,提出了一种带倾角补偿的低成本单陀螺仪单加速度计航位推算方案。结合DR与卫星导航系统的优缺点,设计了卫星-DR组合导航系统,并通过软硬件设计实现了该组合导航系统,弥补了各自的不足,提高并完善了导航性能。系统选用普通GPS/BD双系统接收机,在增强组合导航系统安全性的同时提高了卫星导航接收机对导航卫星的可视率,一定程度上提高了导航精度。组合导航系统采用联邦卡尔曼滤波算法完成数据融合,并进一步融入插值法提高导航系统数据更新率,弥补了普通卫星导航接收机在高速环境应用中数据更新率过低的缺陷,最高更新率达到了40Hz。通过大量的实地测试与仿真验证,结果表明,该组合导航系统不但抑制了导航数据的漂移问题,平滑了导航轨迹,有效地提高了导航数据更新率,且解决了因坡道和水平安装误差带来的导航误差问题。该组合导航系统在灵活移动、多坡道及信号盲区环境下均具有较高的定位精度,能够满足车载导航的基本需求,对城市复杂路况及高速列车导航均具有一定的参考意义,达到了设计目的。

【Abstract】 With changes of the modern life and production ways, navigation technology is widely required in various fields. Nowadays, GPS has been widely used in four navigation systems. However it can’t be completely relied on for some specific applications due to its being controlled by America. Meanwhile, Beidou satellite navigation system that is independently developed and under control of our country, has come into practical use and covered the Asia-pacific region, it will be further improved for its coverage area and become the development trend in relative application areas. The satellite navigation has the advantages of high precision, all-weather and it can work independently. However, the existence of multipath and obstacles block can lead to the increase of errors. Furthermore, in the signal blind area the system even couldn’t realize positioning. Moreover, common satellite navigation receivers aren’t suitable for high-speed applications due to their limited data rate. On the other hand, although DR based on multi-sensor data fusion has the advantages of real-time and high precision, but it suffered accumulated errors during long time running. Satellite-DR integrated navigation, combined by satellite navigation system and DR navigation system, can make up each other’s shortages. Therefore, it has become the choice of many applications and a hotspot of research.In order to realize seamless navigation with high precision, high reliability, this paper studies the current navigation technologies and analyzes their shortages. According to the drawbacks of the present DR technology, a low-cost DR scheme that employs an inclinometer together with a single gyroscope and accelerometer is proposed. Taking advantages of the DR and satellite navigation, a satellite-DR integrated navigation system is designed and realized by combing software function and hardware structure to improve the navigation performance. In the design, GPS/BD double system receiver is selected to raise the visible ratio of satellites and improve the navigation precision to some extent. Compared with the traditional satellite navigation receiver, integrated navigation system completes data fusion using federal Kalman filter, and introduces interpolation scheme to increase the data rate in high speed application. The system can reach to the data rate of40Hz in this design.A large number of field testing and simulation results show that the integrated navigation system not only inhibits the drift of receiving signals and smooth the navigation trail, but also increases the data rate effectively and solves the error problem caused by ramp and lever installation. This navigation system can meet the basic requirements and achieve higher positioning precision in flexible mobile environment with ramps and signal blind areas. In general, it has achieved our design purpose to offer a charming solution for urban complex traffic and high-speed train navigation.
