

Surface Water Environmental Impact Analysis on Solidification Treatment of Drilling Mud

【作者】 陈晨

【导师】 欧阳峰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 钻井作业结束后会产生大量的钻井废泥浆,其直接排放将会对周边地表水体环境造成污染:其中所含的盐、碱及岩盐能导致水体周边土壤板结,造成植物和农作物不能正常生长,严重时甚至使土壤无法复耕;重金属、化学添加剂和有机物降解后产物进入水体后会造成水体富营养化,影响藻类及水生动物的生长,破坏水体生态,同时这些污染物因水生动植物吸收而富集,危害到食物链上层的人类的生命健康。化学固化填埋法是目前使用的一种效果较好的钻井废弃泥浆处理方法,这种方法可以通过固化剂的作用很好的将废泥浆中的污染物质包容、固定住,不使其向外界迁移,使之不会对周边水体环境造成不良影响。本论文选取了四川省境内比较有代表性的5处钻井平台,通过进行不同水泥固化剂的处理效果的对比,包括固化体样品性状对比及固化体浸出液污染因子监测数据对比,来分析以水基泥浆为原泥浆的废弃钻井泥浆固化处理工艺的效果,以及现有常用固化处置对周边地表水环境的影响分析。通过对5个井场固化体浸出液污染因子监测后可知:除3个井场的pH略有超标外,其余污染因子的监测数据包括化学需氧量、石油类、氯化物、色度、六价铬,均能达到《污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)》中的一级排放标准。本论文选取了一种同时考虑多种污染物综合污染水平及不同污染因子所占的权重的多因子评价方法,即改进型内梅罗指数法,它能比较直观的、全面的反映水体环境质量。通过使用改进型内梅罗指数法评价后得出结论:1号井场固化体所产生的浸出液对环境的污染综合程度要比其余井场的浸出液的都大。以1号井场为例,进行泥浆固化处置对周边的环境的影响分析,通过对1号钻井现场地表水体进行前后监测数据对比后可知:在泥浆固化前后,周边地表水体的水质并没有明显变化,均满足相应的水质标准。出现的监测数据的变动部分也与降雨量和一些人为因素有关。另外根据现场观察,复耕后岩屑池上的农作物长势良好。综上得出四川地区现有常用钻井泥浆固化处置对周边地表水环境并没有较大影响的结论。

【Abstract】 After completion of drilling operation, a large amount of waste drilling mud is produced, and this will severely pollute the surrounding ground waters once directly discharged:The salt, alkali and rock salt attached will result in soil hardening around the water, which can cause the plants and crops grow abnormally, and even the soil can not be re-cultivated; Heavy metal, chemical additives and the products after degradation of organic substances will cause water eutrophication once they enter the water, and influence growth of algae and aquatic animals and damage the aquatic ecosystem. At the same time, those pollutants will be enriched due to absorption of aquatic animals and plants, which is hazardous for life and health of human, the upper level of food chain. Chemical solidification filling method is currently an effective method for treating waste mud. It perfectly contains and fixes the pollutants in the waste mud through the effect of solidification agent, and avoids the pollutants moving outward and causing adverse influence upon the surrounding water environment.In this paper, five representative drilling platforms in Sichuan are selected. Through comparison on the treatment efficiency of different cement solidification agents, including comparison on properties of solidification samples and monitoring data of pollution factors of solidification leach liquid, it analyzes the efficiency of the waste drilling solidification treatment process by using the water-base mud as the original mud and analyzes the impact on the surrounding water environment from existing common solidification units.It is indicated from the survey of pollution factors leached from solidified body of5well sites that all the monitoring data including chemical oxygen demands, petroleum, chloride, chroma and hexavalent chromium can reach emission standard of Class I of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) except that PH values of3well sites are slightly higher than the standard. This Paper adopts multi-factor assessment method, i.e. improved Nemerow index method through which comprehensive pollution level of several pollutants and weight proportion of different pollution factors are taken into consideration and water environment quality can be directly and completely reflected. It through application of improved Nemerow index method comes to the conclusion that the comprehensive pollution degree of leached liquid of solidified body of well site1is greater than that of other well sites.Well site1is taken for an example. Mud solidification treatment and analysis of impact on surrounding environment shall be conducted. It through comparison of previous and latter monitoring data of surface water body of well site1gets to know that there is no obvious change regarding surrounding water quality. The changed part of monitoring data is also attributable to precipitation and human factors. In addition, it is through field inspection observed that crops which are planted on debris basin after reclaimation are growing well. It through the above comes to the conclusion that solidification treatment of existing drilling mud of Sichuan region does not have great impact on surrounding surface water environment.
