

Communications Characteristics Research on In-Game Advertising

【作者】 范高宁

【导师】 牟文杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机科学、互联网技术和传播技术的高速发展,我们迈入了全新的数字时代,而网络游戏则是这个时代的典型代表。它不仅具有高盈利性,而且代表着一国的文化和技术实力。网络游戏具有天然的技术性、互动娱乐特性和庞大的受众基础,这就决定了它不仅是人们休闲娱乐的重要工具,更是一个独特的传播媒介。因此网络游戏由最初的单纯娱乐活动逐步呈现出社区化、媒体化的特征,它的盈利手段从最初的计时收费发展到多种方式并存。网络游戏媒体化趋势和盈利方式多元趋势的表现形式之一就是网络游戏植入式广告(IGA)的出现和繁荣。网络游戏植入式广告是现代广告与网络游戏相结合而诞生的全新广告形式。它将广告主的广告以文字、图像、视音频等形式植入网络游戏这个媒体中,以游戏玩家为传播对象,力图开辟品牌和产品传播的新领域,达到宣传的目的。网络游戏植入式广告的优势显而易见,它的双向传播、互动性、玩家的忠诚度和传播的精准直达都是传统媒介广告所不能比拟的。尽管它也有不足,例如植入分寸的把握较难、时效性差等,但这些并不妨碍它成为分众传播时代的潜力媒介。事实上,网络游戏植入式广告的应用很丰富,很多案例证明了它的传播效果十分理想,它的传播价值不断得到企业的认同。网络游戏正处于高速发展阶段,新的课题层出不穷,需要研究的领域也是博大精深的,本文只是梳理了网络游戏植入式广告兴起的历程,分析了网络游戏植入式广告的传播优劣势,并从传播学角度,对网络游戏植入式广告和作为媒介的网络游戏进行了深入研究,对网络游戏植入式广告的发展前景进行了探讨和展望,并为有兴趣利用网络游戏进行广告传播的企业提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 With the high-speed development of computer science, Internet and communication technology, we have stepped into a new digital era, which brings online game, an epoch-making industry. It is a highly-profitable trade, and it also represents the strength of a nation’s culture and technology.Online game was born as being cultural, interactive and entertaining, as well as massive game players, which means it is not only a fascinating entertainment, but also an ideal media platform. That’s why online game is becoming more social and media. And online game is an interactive entertainment, allowing game players to interactive with games and with other players. The prosperity of In-game advertising (IGA) is one manifestation of this tendency. It allows game players to interact with the planted ads.IGA is a combination of modern ads and online games. With the help of online game media, the planted ads convey advertisers’ information and intention to numerous game players by texts, images, videos and audios. The advantages of IGA are quite obvious, for instance, the two-way communication leading to highly interactive entertaining process, various presentation forms, and undisputed loyalty of the targeted audience. But it has some shortcomings too, such as the uncertainty of planting frequency and degree, time-effectiveness of the planted ads. However, these flaws can’t deny the promising future of the IGA industry. Many successful applications have proved the effectiveness of IGA.By reviewing and summarizing important research achievements, this paper analyses the background of IGA’s rising, the strengths and weaknesses of IGA, the development tendency of IGA and provides some advices for the ads planting. Most of all, this paper uses some classical theory of Communications, for example, the5W to dissect the process and industry chain, and integrated-marketing communication, and persuasive theory etc. In one word, this paper holds the standpoint that IGA does have the power and potential in China, the future largest online game market of the world. I sincerely hope that this paper can be helpful for the IGA practice.

  • 【分类号】G206;F713.8
  • 【下载频次】631