

The Research and Implementation of an Integrated Development Environment Based on Agile Bi Paas

【作者】 接铭远

【导师】 王柏;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机技术(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着大数据时代的到来,商业智能领域也迎来了一场变革。传统的商业智能恐慌的寻找扩展的良方却难如人意,新生的敏捷商业智能或将迎头而上,统领这个大数据时代。BI-PAAS(商业智能平台服务)正是敏捷商业智能的希望之星,它的云存储云计算以及平台服务的特点使商业智能变得灵活而高效,同时使中小企业获得BI(商业智能)能力的成本大大降低,消除了传统BI时期的入门门槛。本文着眼于BI-PAAS,分析了其产生背景、组织架构、运作原理以及特有优势,论述了基于BI-PAAS的开发环境所应具备的能力要求,深入研究了BI开发的关键技术,给出了插件集成、分层编排、拖拽设计的技术方案,设计并实现了基于PAAS的BI应用集成开发环境,为BI-PAAS平台提供了有力的支持。本文的具体工作主要体现在以下几个方面:1.设计并实现基于OSGI动态更新的插件集成框架。主要包括:对Eclipse OSGI插件集成框架的技术分析;对比选择适合的开源BI功能软件进行分析和改造;对ETL、Report软件分别插件化并进行集成测试。2.设计并实现基于XML的分层编排规范。主要包括:对“使用xml元数据描述来集成各BI功能设计”的探索;确定以工作流编排BI设计元数据的XML规范;编程实现XML文件的构造过程及依其还原设计流图的过程。3.设计并实现基于Eclipse GEF的拖拽设计界面。主要包括:对应用Eclipse GEF图形框架来研发集成设计器的入门进阶学习;编程实现开发环境布局、MVC架构及拖拽设计等核心部分;添加集成设计器的编辑撤销重做等功能。

【Abstract】 With the era of big data coming, there is a revolution in the field of business intelligence. The traditional BI (Business Intelligence) companies are panicky to look for a good extended method but dissatisfied. Newborn Agile BI, is likely to rise suddenly and dominate the big data era. BI-PAAS (platform as a service) is the hope star of Agile BI. Its characteristics, including cloud computing, cloud storage and PAAS, make business intelligence become flexible and efficient. In addition BI-PAAS eliminates barriers to entry.In this paper, the background, the technical architecture, the operation principle and the advantages of BI-PAAS are introduced. The requirements of the development environment for BI-PAAS are pointed. The core technologies of Business Intelligence development are researched. Plug-in integration, hierarchical layout, drag and drop design technical solutions are given. The development environment for BI applications is designed and implemented. It provide a strong support for the BI-PAAS platform.The work for this paper is mainly reflected in the following aspects:1.Integration framework based on OSGI is designed and implemented, which can update plugins dynamically. First, the study of Eclipse OSGI plug-in integration framework technology. Second, the analysis of the open source BI software. The last, implementation and integration test.2.Hierarchical arrangement based on XML is designed and implemented. First, the explore of integrating BI capabilities by xml metadata description. Second, the determination to use workflow to arrange design metadata. The last, the implementation of Save/Open Xaction (XML) file.3.Drag-and-drop design UI (user interface) based on Eclipse GEF is designed and implemented. First, the study of Eclipse GEF graphics framework. Second, the implementation of the development environment layout, the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and the drag-and-drop part. The last, adding undo/redo functions.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09;TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】127