

Design and Mplementaion of Traffic Monitor Based on Android

【作者】 罗超

【导师】 邹仕洪;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机技术(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 Android手机和3G网络的迅速普及,让越来越多的手机用户有条件使用Android系统的手机上网。在这样的现状下,流量超额使用的情况和软件恶意联网的情况给用户带来了经济上与精神上的损失。为解决这样的问题,帮助用户安全、放心使用手机,作者设计并实现了一款基于Android系统的流量监控软件。本文围绕软件的设计与实现进行论述。首先介绍了课题的背景、来源、目的与意义,指明了课题的任务,梳理了论文的结构。其次,介绍了软件中将会使用到的技术原理。第三,从用户需求的角度入手,建立目标用户角色,明确软件的需求。第四,对各个模块进行概要设计,结合用例图细化功能模块,结合UI设计图细化界面模块。第五,结合类图,简要介绍了各个核心模块的设计与实现。第六,进行软件测试,验证软件是否满足需求、是否健壮,给出软件中的效果图。最后,对设计和实现软件过程中遇到的问题进行梳理,指出此软件的改进方向。文中所设计与实现的软件通过多种类型的用户界面及时向用户展示流量使用情况,通过运营商短信校正流量使用情况,通过iptables和进程管理的方式进行流量控制。在软件设计过程中,申请了根据流量历史提醒用户的专利。此外,本文所设计与实现的软件已经实现,并作为商业产品被百万级用户使用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid spread of Android phones and operators’high-speed networks, more and more mobile phone users have the chance to surf the Internet on their Android phones. Under such circumstances, traffic overrun and some applications’background network connections bring economic and mental losses to Android phone users. To solve these problems and to help phone users use a safer phone, the author designed and implemented a traffic monitor application based on Android system.This thesis describes the design and implementation of the traffic monitor application. The first chapter introduces the backgrounds, sources, goals and importance. It indicates the tasks of this thesis and teases apart the whole thesis. The second chapter introduces the technology principles that will be used. The third chapter creates the target user’s persona and details the product’s requirements from the users’point of view. The forth chapter finishes the summary design of traffic monitor. It details the functional modules with user case diagrams and details the user interfaces with user interface design diagrams. The fifth chapter introduces the core modules’ design and implementation with class diagrams. The sixth chapter introduces the quality assurance phase. The quality assurance phase includes requirements validation and robustness testing. Some screen shots of traffic monitor are shown in this chapter. In the last chapter, problems in design and implementation are shown, and the future improvements are pointed out.In this application, several kinds of user interfaces are designed to show traffic usage, SMSs from operators are used to adjust the local records, iptables and task killer are used to block connections. During the period of designing and implementing, patent about traffic notifications has been applied. Above all, the traffic monitor has been released to millions of users as a commercial product.

【关键词】 Android流量监控流量校正iptables
【Key words】 AndroidTraffic MonitorTraffic Adjustmentip tables
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;TN929.53
  • 【下载频次】387