

Automated Coverage Optimization Scheme Based on Combined Multi-Parameter Adjustment in Wireless Access Networks

【作者】 姜又琳

【导师】 李文璟;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线接入技术的发展,无线通信环境变得更加复杂、动态、异构、不可靠并且规模更大,同时无线接入网中用户对服务质量的要求也越来越高。传统的依靠人工管理网络的方法不但无法适应不断变化的用户需求、业务目标和网络环境,而且投入成本较高,优化结果由于受人工影响也不够精确。为了满足网络运营商和服务提供商的要求,更好地解决由于网络参数设置不合理所带来的覆盖异常问题,本文首先提出了基于基站天线下倾角调整的无线接入网的自主覆盖优化方法。在检测和分析出覆盖异常后,通过模拟退火算法生成倾角调整方案,最后有效执行,整个过程无需人工干预。通过仿真验证优化后各项覆盖指标都有所提高,覆盖不足和覆盖过度问题都得到了有效解决。在基于天线下倾角调整的覆盖自优化方法基础上进一步优化,本文提出了基于多参数联合调整的覆盖自优化方法。它适用于无线接入网中的WCDMA、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000和LTE等体制,是能够同时进行基站功率和基站天线下倾角联合调整的优化算法。该方法包括“检测-分析-规划-执行”四个阶段,整个过程无需人工干涉,利用用户提交的测量报告,评定当前网络覆盖状态,针对相应的覆盖问题通过遗传覆盖自优化算法生成相应的综合调整方案,通过对多参数的联合调整实现覆盖优化。通过Matlab上的仿真实验同样证明了该方法的有效性,同时相对基于基站下倾角调整的覆盖自优化方法覆盖指标有进一步的提高。基于多参数联合调整的覆盖自优化方法不但能解决解决综合性的覆盖问题,而且对于提高覆盖容量和改善网络性能指标均有重要意义。

【Abstract】 With the technology of wireless access network develops, the environment of wireless networks has become increasingly complex. And some problems caused by abnormal coverage of network will result in very bad influence on the whole wireless network. According to the current state of wireless network, it requires higher management and maintenance costs if administrators perform directly configuration, diagnosis and maintenance of the equipment and so on. This way is also unable to adapt to the variable and complex network due to the limitation of its model and parameters.To better solve the coverage abnormal problem caused by the unreasonable network parameter settings, we address the automated coverage optimization scheme based on downtilt-adjustment in wireless access networks. After testing and analyzing coverage abnormal situation, we definite adjustment scheme with the simulated annealing algorithm, then effectively execute, and the whole process will complete without human intervention. Simulation shows the optimization indicators of coverage have been improved, and the weak coverage and over coverage problem can be solved effectively.On the base of automated coverage optimization scheme based on downtilt-adjustment, an automated coverage optimization scheme based on combined multi-parameter adjustment of base stations in wireless access networks is proposed. It is applicable in WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000and LTE system. And the scheme is divided into four phases which are detecting, analyzing, planning and executing, the whole stage without need of manual management and maintenance. It take advantage of users’ measurement report, then assess current network state, and simulated genetic algorithm is adopted by the scheme to figure out an optimal combined adjustment solution for each base station. Finally, we complete coverage optimization by adjusting electronic downtilt and transmission power.Simulation results in Matlab show that the proposed automated coverage optimization scheme can improve wireless network coverage quality and it is better than that scheme based on downtilt-adjustment. Automated coverage optimization scheme based on combined multi-parameter adjustment can not only solve comprehensive coverage abnormal problem, but also have a great significance for improving coverage capacity performance of network.
