

Next Generation Access Network Energy Saving Technology Research

【作者】 郭晓达

【导师】 胡怡红;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的不断发展和信息化建设的深入,网络规模日益增大,网络的能源消耗已经不容忽视。据统计,目前网络的能源消耗约占世界能源消耗总量的0.4%,在带宽普及率高的国家,这一比例达到1%,并且仍有持续上升的趋势。当今世界的主题是低碳环保、绿色与可持续发展,现实中的能源紧张与网络能源消耗急剧增长的矛盾,已引起了学术界和产业界的关注和重视,并通力合作来解决这一重大问题。网络的节能研究已成为国内外研究的热点,具有重大的战略意义和应用价值。现今网络向着移动化、个人化的趋势发展,在接入层面仍是多种接入手段并存。接入网中用户端设备分散且数量庞大,致使发生高能源消耗和低资源利用率。在网络节能技术研究初期,人们更多注重节能效果,而忽视了对网络性能方面的影响。我们的研究就是要建立一种有效的方式,在保证对接入网络性能影响最小的前提下,最高限度地提高能源使用效率。本文从节能的角度出发,在充分考虑节能技术对网络性能影响的前提下,研究下一代接入网中的节能技术。主要工作包括:(1)研究下一代接入网络的发展趋势,明确网络的构建目标。阐述各类重要节能技术的应用场景和优缺点,从应用层面分为器件级技术、设备级技术和网络级技术,并分析了多层技术结合与应用的3个典型实例。(2)全面考察节能技术的应用对下一代接入网络造成的影响,分别在网络容量、流量、QoS、安全性能等方面进行性能分析,并提出用静态和动态的方法降低网络流量和最大容量,在可以接受的范围内最大限度地节能。(3)提出了无源光网络的节能方案,实现了到10G网络的平滑过渡,研究在硬件和软件方面的相关技术,并对时钟同步、恢复、功耗等进行了评估。(4)借鉴国内外最新研究,针对光网络单元不够灵活的特点,对ONU重新进行设计,提出了自适应睡眠模式;通过改进了MPCP协议,使光网络单元的能源使用效率平均提高了57%,并大大增加了灵活性;在OPNET平台上搭建仿真环境验证设计。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of science and information technology, the network scale increases day by day and the network scale can’t be ignored. Network energy consumption accounts for about0.4%of total energy consumption in the world. In developed countries with high bandwidth penetration, the proportion reaches1%and has a rising trend. The theme of world nowadays is "Low carbon, Environmental Protection, Green and Sustainable Development". Combined with the shortage of energy resource, the greatly increasing power consumption of network has caused the attention of academic and industrial. They cooperate with each other to solve the challenging problems. Network energy saving research has become a hot spot in the study of both at home and abroad, and it is of great significance and practical value.Nowadays network has the trend toward mobile and individual. A variety of access means still coexist in the access level. In the access network, there are a huge number of client equipment which dispersion everywhere and consume high energy consumption with low utilization. At the beginning of the study, energy saving technology focuses more on energy-saving effect with less consideration on network performance. Our research is to establish an effective way to use the energy more efficiently while has the lease influence on network performance.In this paper, we have a research on the energy saving technology of the next generation access network with full consideration of the impact on the network performance. Our main work includes:(1) To study the trend of access network to be clear about the construction target for the network. Expounds all kinds of important energy saving technology application scene and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Divides them into device level technology, equipment level technology and network technology level from the view of application, and gives three typical examples of the multilayer techniques combined.(2) A full investigation on the application of energy saving technology for the next generation access network. Analysis heir influence respectively in the network capacity, flow, QoS, safety performance and so on. Propose the use of static and dynamic methods to reduce network traffic and maximum capacity, thus saving energy within acceptable limits.(3) Introduce the energy saving plan of optical network, realizes smooth transition to10G-network smooth transition. Then have a research on hardware and software aspects of related technologies, evaluate the clock synchronization, recovery, power consumption, etc.(4) Learn the latest experience of research at home and abroad for reference. Redesign ONU which was not flexible. Design the adaptive sleep mode by improving the MPCP protocol. Have simulation on OPNET platform. The energy efficiency increases by57%at average using the adaptive sleep mode and it’s more flexible.
