

Interference Coordination and Coordinated Multi-Points Transmission in Lte System

【作者】 王翔

【导师】 杨鸿文;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球无线通信的高速发展,3GPP提出了一项超3G的移动通信系统——LTE(Long Term Envolution).为了满足下一代通信系统在平均吞吐量,边缘吞吐量以及数据速率等方面的性能要求,LTE系统采用了多种关键技术,包括正交频分多址方式、多天线技术、干扰协调技术、链路自适应技术以及协同多点传输技术等。论文研究工作的出发点是消除LTE系统中小区间的干扰,本文分别从干扰协调以及协同通信出发研究了LTE系统中的干扰抑制方案,并通过系统级仿真平台进行性能评估。本文所做的工作如下:1)依据3GPP关于LTE系统物理层的规范,论文设计并搭建了LTE系统级仿真平台,实现了多个关键模块,包括场景模块、无线传播模块、资源调度模块、链路自适应模块以及译码模块。2)论文对LTE系统中的干扰协调技术进行了研究,研究重点包括两个方面:频率复用方案、资源调度方案。本文从系统性能以及资源利用率两个方面分析了两种频率复用方案的性能,此外更研究了频率复用方案结合各种资源调度方式后系统的性能,并进行仿真实验,最后分析了各种方案的优劣。3)通过对协同多点传输技术的研究,论文提出了一种基于中继系统的协同编码方式,通过多节点的协同编码获得分集度、编码增益,并降低系统的发射功率。经过仿真实验得出数据,并对数据的分析得出方案在误码率以及复杂度上的性能。

【Abstract】 To cater to the highly developing of lobal wireless communication,3GPP proposed LTE system as a Beyond3G mibile communication system. In order to meet the performance requirements of the next generation communication system in average throughput, edge throughput and data rate, etc, LTE system uses a variety of key technologies, including Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple access mode, multiple antenna technology, Interference Coordination technology, Link Adaptive technology and Coordination Multi-Point transmission technology, etc. The starting point of the research work is to eliminate the inter-cell interference of LTE system, this paper studys interference suppression scheme in LTE system, respectively from the interference coordination and cooperative communication, and evaluated system performance through LTE system level simulation platform. My work mainly includes:1) According to the3GPP LTE system physical specifications, the author designed and realized the construction of LTE system level simulation platform, and also completed several key modules:scenario building module, wireless communication module, resource scheduling module, link adaptive modules and decoding module.2) This thesis researchs the interference coordination in LTE system, I stressed on two aspects:frequency multiplexing scheme, resource scheduling scheme. This paper analyzes the performance of two frequency multiplexing scheme from the system performance and resource utilization, In addition, we did some performance research where frequency multiplexing scheme combined with various resources scheduling mode, and finally analyses the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions.3) Through the collaborative multipoint transmission technology research, this thesis proposes a cooperative method based on relay system. Through multiple nodes collaborative, we obtain diversity, coding gain, and reduce the transmission power. Through the simulation experiment and analysis of the data, it comes to a conclution that the scheme improves in the system performance and the complexity.

【关键词】 LTE协同通信干扰协调中继
【Key words】 LTECooperative TransmissionInterferencecoordinationrelay