

Research of the Influence of Mobile Data Service Demand of Customer Based on the Customer Life Cycle Theory

【作者】 李天

【导师】 谢雪梅;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着2G时代向3G、4G时代的演进,数据业务正逐渐成为电信市场增长的主要动力。在激烈的市场竞争环境下,正确把握用户需求成为电信市场各参与方关注的重点问题。在目前已有的移动数据业务相关研究中,对需求影响因素的探究较为匮乏,同时对所研究的客户群的划分主要以ARPU值为依据,在客户特征描述方面略显宽泛,不利于精确匹配客户对数据业务的差异化需求。本研究将在综述国内外专家学者在数据业务需求相关研究进展与成功的基础上,论述客户生命周期理论的发展及其在消费者行为分析中的重要意义,并将研究对象按客户生命周期不同进行划分,分析各生命周期阶段的消费者在对数据业务购买和使用中的需求影响因素,探究客户生命周期对消费者需求影响因素的影响,明确数据业务市场不同客户生命周期阶段的客户群对数据业务的需求特征,并以GPRS业务为例,采用实证研究的方式通过样本特征分析、相关分析和回归分析探究客户在不同生命周期阶段的数据业务需求关键影响因素,继承并发展前人的研究成果。本研究的主要创新点为:1.根据客户生命周期理论对数据业务的客户群进行细分。将研究对象按照所处客户生命周期阶段的不同进行划分,并对各生命周期阶段的客户群进行逐一分析,在确定数据业务需求影响因素的同时找出不同客户群间的相同点与差异之处。2.细化客户需求分类。以往的需求影响因素研究中多侧重于对自变量(影响因素)的设计与划分,对因变量(需求)的分析仍有待细化。本研究以卡诺模型为基础将客户需求细分为基本需求、期望需求与兴奋需求三类,实现对需求影响因素分析的进一步细化。因此,本研究通过对移动数据业务的深入的需求影响因素分析,将为电信运营商及其它电信行业相关参与者提供重要的参考意义。

【Abstract】 As the era of2G gradually evolve to3G and4G era, mobile data services are becoming the major force for the development of the telecommunication market. In the fierce competition environment, correctly grasping the need of users has became one of the focus problems of telecom market. As the lack of researches that explore the influence of uesrs’demand in existing researches, and at the same time, such reaserches usually divided users by ARPU, so some of them are slightly broad in customer description, which is not conducive to accurately match the customers’differert need to the data services.This study will firstly grasp the progress of existing related researches, and discuss the development of the customer life cycle theory and its significance in consumer behavior analysis. Then this study will divide the research objects according to the customer life cycle, in order to find the relationship between the influence of uesrs’demand and the customer life cycle. Also, this study will take GPRS as an example to do the relevant empirical research by sample characteristics analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.The main innovation points of this study are as follows:1. Dividing the customers according to the customer life cycle theory. This study divided the customers according to the customer life cycle stages and then analysed each life stage to ensure the factors that influenced the data service demand and find the similarities and differences between customer bases.2. Refining the customer demand classification. Previous relative researches generally focused on the independent variables (factors) design and classification but not the dependent variable. This study refined the demand by KANO model, and divided the customers’requirement into Must-Be Requirement, One-Dimensional Requirement and Attractive Requirement.Therefore, this research deeply analysed the influence factors of mobile data service demand, and will bring important reference significance to telecom operators and other related participants.
