

Research on Factors Influencing Customer Adoption in TV-Internet Service

【作者】 陈越

【导师】 赵欣艳;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来,三网融合推进力度不断加强,同时与之相关的信息技术也得到了迅猛发展,在这样的背景下媒体融合成为了必然结果。电视上网服务作为电视媒体和互联网媒体融合的产物成为新热点,得到了学者们的广泛关注,但是目前在该领域针对消费者采纳的研究仍屈指可数。基于此,本研究从界定电视上网服务入手,运用调查问卷的形式进行实证研究,探讨该服务的消费者采纳影响因素。本研究在广泛查找相关领域文献进行文献综述的基础上,选择以科技接受模型为核心理论框架,辅助以习惯理论和消费者行为理论,构建了电视上网服务消费者采纳影响因素模型。使用SPSS和Amos软件对收集到的调查问卷结果进行信度效度分析,对研究模型进行拟合度检验,对研究假设进行验证,得到以下结论:感知有用性、感知娱乐性、感知易用性均正向影响消费者态度,且三者的影响程度依次由强到弱。社会环境和互联网使用习惯既能直接影响消费者采纳,又可通过影响消费者态度间接影响消费者采纳;家庭环境和电视使用习惯则对消费者态度无显著影响,但是能直接影响消费者采纳意愿。最后,基于上述研究结论,同时综合考虑电视上网服务目前的发展现状,本文在结尾处对该服务的进一步发展提出了几点建议。本研究的主要贡献在于跳出以往研究局限于某特定业务的研究束缚,站在了整个服务的角度探讨消费者采纳的影响因素,并创造性地引入习惯理论和消费者行为理论,改进了技术接受模型,并通过实证研究证实了该模型能很好地解释影响消费者采纳的因素。最终得到了影响消费者采纳电视上网服务的因素,并以此理论为基点提出了切实可行的服务发展改进方案。

【Abstract】 Latest ten years, the effort to boost the integration of telecommunications networks, cable TV network and the Internet was much stronger, and the development of relative information technology is rapidly at the same time. Under this circumstance, convergence of media becomes certain tendency. TV-Internet service, the convergence of TV media and Internet media becomes new hotspot, attracting researchers’ attention. However, researches on customers’ adoption in this field are rare. Under this circumstance, this article starts with defining TV-Internet, and then uses questionnaires to make an empirical research to make sure what will influence customers’ adoption of this service.Based on extensive literature review of relevant research, this study choose TAM model as the core theoretical framework, supporting by habit theory and customer’s behavior theory. A model aimed at testing the adoption of customer is constructed. By using SPSS to make reliability and validity analysis, and using Amos to test the theoretical model and research hypothesis, we get following conclusions: perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use and are influencing customer’s attitude from strong to weak. Social environment and Internet using habit influence customer’s adoption directly and indirectly. Family environment and TV using habit don’t have appreciable impact on customer’s attitude, but influencing customer’s adoption directly. Combine with above conclusion and the current situation of TV-Internet service, this article comes up with several advices at the end.The main contribution of this research is to get rid of the constraint of specific business in TV-Internet service, and make it as a whole to discuss customer’s adoption. Besides, this article introduces the theory of habit and the theory of customer’s behavior to enrich TAM model, which proves to be convictive. What’s more, we finally get the factors that will influence customer’s adoption, based on which we give some practical advices to guide the future development of TV-Internet service.
