

Resource Management Research in Heterogeneous Networks Based on Multi-Network Cooperation

【作者】 刘庆

【导师】 冯志勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 在无线移动通信高速化、泛在化的进程中,人们为不同的通信环境和用户需求研究、开发、部署了多种类型的无线通信系统。当前,多种异构网络已广泛部署,2G通信系统已经成熟,3G网络初具规模,并正向着4G网络不断演进,另外以IEEE802.11为代表的无线局域网(WLAN)技术,以其鲜明的技术特征和清晰的市场定位获得了巨大成功。从当前无线通信的现状来看,2G网络用户基数大负担较重,3G和WLAN网络建设初具规模但用户少,利用效率低,LTE正在加紧部署,未来一段时间的用户基数和利用效率也较低。考虑到多种异构网络的业务承载能力存在差异性,进行多种异构网络间的协同优化,通过有效地协同异构网络资源,可以降低2G网络负担,提高3G和WLAN网络资源利用效率。对此,本文将结合现网从以下几个方面研究基于多网协同优化的资源管理技术:首先,多网协同应该做好各单一网络的优化,其中包括2G优化和3G优化。2G优化主要包括基于PCC的无线资源调控和自组织网络技术,3G优化主要考虑覆盖优化和网络容量提升。特别的,针对目前运营商没有有效的3G容量规划方法,本文研究了基于随机背包优化算法的载频级容量规划新方案。基于某运营商现网,本文第二部分重点探讨了针对2G、3G、WLAN和LTE异构环境下的四网协同优化方案,并落地实施。另外,结合实际网络运营中的典型场景,如WLAN与2G的无缝互操作和高铁通信场景,本文针对典型场景的特殊需求研究多网协同下有效的资源管理方案,并进行了可行性分析和验证。最后,对全文进行了概括和总结,指出方案需要进一步改善的地方和今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the growing demand of high speed and ubiquitous trend in mobile communication, multiple types of wireless telecommunication systems have been extensively researched, developed and deployed for different communication scenarios and various user requirements. Nowadays, several heterogeneous networks have been applied.3G network is starting to bloom, and evolving to4G network deployment while2G telecommunication system is already well-established. On the other hand, WLAN technology represented by IEEE802.11is proved to be a major success due to its distinctive technical features and definite market orientation.Inspecting the current situation in mobile communication network,2G network is undertaking heavy load due to the large base of subscribers while3G and WLAN are just at the stage of their blooming development with much less subscribers and low utilization. The deployment of LTE is speeding up, however, it will face similar load and utility situation with3G network in the near future. Considering the complementarity of different networks for different services, effective and cooperative resource management technology can reduce the burden of2G network and enhance the utilization of3G and WLAN network. This thesis addresses the task of resource management based on multi-network cooperative optimization from the following aspects.First, the optimization of single network including2G and3G is crucial. The Optimization of2G network can be realized through the joint effort of radio resource management and technology of self-organizing networks. Coverage optimization and network throughput enhancement are concerned in the optimization of3G network. In this thesis a carrier frequency level capacity planning scheme based on improved stochastic knapsack is proposed to cope with mobile operator’s lack of effective3G network planning tool. Furthermore, the network cooperation and optimization scheme under heterogeneous network environment consisting of2G,3G, WLAN and LTE is studied and deployed. Additionally, practical network operation consists of many typical scenarios such as the seamless interoperability between2G and3G networks, high-speed communication scenario. This thesis analyzes in detail the effective scheme for resource management in these special scenarios and provides feasibility analysis and validation. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis is presented; the further improvement of current scheme and the future research work are pointed out.
