

Investigation on Tableware Health Status of Catering Industry in Jiangyin

【作者】 周铁华

【导师】 田海林;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 公共卫生(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 【目的】了解江阴市餐饮服务单位餐具消毒方法及其效果,为持续改进消毒效果,提升餐具合格水平提供基础资料。【方法】根据《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》(GB14934-1994)规定的消毒方法进行调查,并采用食(饮)具消毒专用的大肠菌群快速检验纸片法对207家餐饮单位的1454份餐具消毒效果进行大肠菌群测定,分析评价消毒效果。【结果】一年中不同月份餐具消毒合格率差异较大,5月、7月和9月合格率偏低;不同辖区餐具消毒合格率差别明显,城南、城东、青阳等城乡结合部偏低。消毒效果较好的方式是集中清洗,但在消毒单位中尚不普及,仅占6.76%;洗碗机消毒效果较好但普及率不高;消毒效果欠佳的药物消毒方法正在被淘汰。小型容器(盘、碗、筷子)消毒效果欠佳,近半餐馆配备消毒柜(48.8%),小型餐饮单位餐具合格率(72.86%)偏低。【结论】江阴市餐饮服务行业餐具卫生状况不太理想,应加强重点季节、重点辖区抽检力度,提升抽检合格率。应当在小型餐饮单位中提倡使用来源可靠的集中消毒餐饮单位提供的餐具,规模以上餐饮单位应提倡使用洗碗机等自动化程度更高的清洗消毒设备。进一步加强培训指导,对小型容器加强消毒。加强餐饮单位卫生状况的监督管理,切实提高餐饮服务行业餐具消毒合格水平。

【Abstract】 【Objective】This study aims to find out tableware disinfection methods and effectsin catering services of Jiangyin, provide basic data for continuously improving thedisinfection effect and increasing qualified rate of tableware.【Methods】Survey of disinfection method was according to the "sanitary standardfor food&drink tableware disinfection"(GB14934-1994), special slip for rapiddetection of coliform group was used to determine coliform bacterial of1454tableware in207catering units, then disinfection effectiveness was assessed andanalyzed.【Results】Qualified rate of tableware disinfection showed differences in variousmonths a year, May, July and September decreased significantly; differences alsoexisted in different jurisdictions, urban-rural fringe such as Qingyang lower thanothers. Although centralized cleaning has a good efficacy in disinfection, it only takes6.76%in catering units which is not prevalent; dishwasher reachesgood disinfection effect but coverage rate is low; due to ineffective drug disinfectionhas been eliminated. Small container such as chopsticks and dish, showed a pooreffect of disinfection. Nearly half of the restaurants(48.8%)have equipped withdisinfection cabinet. Qualified rate of tableware disinfection is lower insmall-scale catering units.【Conclusion】Tableware hygiene of food service industry is not very satisfactory inJiangyin. It should strengthen random inspection and improve qualified rate.Concretely advices as follow: use tableware disinfection which is offered by reliablecatering centralized sterilization units in small-scale catering units; promote usingdisinfection equipment with higher automation in large and medium-sized cateringunits; strengthen supervision and management, improve the tableware disinfectionqualified level of food service industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期