

The Amateur Tennis Sports Situation and Development Strategies of Downtown of Suzhou City

【作者】 钱方伟

【导师】 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 为了研究和分析苏州市市区业余网球运动发展现状及其影响因素,探讨这些因素对苏州市市区业余网球运动开展所起的作用,本文以苏州市市区业余网球运动现状及发展对策为研究对象,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,通过现场问卷调查,对所得数据进行统计分析,得出如下结论:(1)苏州市市区业余网球运动参与者以男性为主,大部分参与者的年龄集中在21-30岁之间,在校学生和个体或业主居多,同时参与者呈现高学历特征。(2)苏州市市区业余网球运动参与者活动时间日无明显特征;大多在14至18点及18点之后;每周2-3次,每次2-3个小时;参与目的多以休闲娱乐、放松心情和增强体质为主;大部分参与者都是受家人朋友的影响和在校期间的网球运动参与而养成的网球运动兴趣;苏州市市区业余网球运动消费呈现高学历、高收入特征,但整体消费水平较低,多以实物消费为主。(3)苏州市市区业余网球运动的群众基础良好,但是场地设施的数量和质量均不能满足群众日益增长的运动需求,同时网球赛事组织模式单一,经费来源匮乏,主要是政府支持、社会赞助。(4)苏州市市区业余网球运动的发展受到诸多因素的影响,其中政府体育管理体制和学校网球的发展是影响苏州市市区业余网球运动发展的主要因素。针对苏州市市区业余网球运动的现状,本文提出以下四点建议:(1)充分发挥媒体的宣传作用,进行积极的思想引导,形成良好的业余网球运动的氛围,吸引越来越多的网球爱好者,尤其是女性、老年和青少年业余网球运动参与者能够积极参与,提高群众参与网球运动的主体意识,使业余网球运动成为群众体育文化生活中不可或缺的组成部分。(2)全面发展苏州市市区的业余网球运动,将业余网球运动建设成为一个集健身、娱乐、休闲、消费于一体的体育项目,充分开发业余网球运动的市场,将业余网球运动的实物市场、观赏市场和参与市场做大做强,形成业余网球运动市场产业链。(3)苏州市体育局加强对业余网球运动的政策支持,并进行引导、开发和监督,充分发挥群众体育处在业余网球运动发展中的规划和指导作用。适当的扩充网球资源,建设一批集休闲、娱乐、健身、竞赛等多功能于一体的网球场馆,缓解场地设施缺乏的压力;充分利用现有资源,最大限度的开放部分较为空闲的网球场地设施,提高使用率;对老化和破损的场地设施进行及时维护和修缮,确保业余网球运动的开展不受影响。同时应该鼓励社会各界参与到业余网球运动中来,吸引民营资本的加入,加速业余网球运动市场化和商业化,使业余网球运动经费来源多样化。(4)充分发挥结合型体育管理体制的优势,鼓励社会各界积极参与到业余网球运动的组织、举办、宣传等活动中来,推动业余网球运动的推广。同时在苏州市市区的中小学开设网球课程,培养中小学生网球锻炼习惯以及终生体育意识,夯实业余网球运动发展的人才基础。

【Abstract】 In order to study and analyze the current developing situation and influencingfactors of the amateur tennis sports; and discuss the effects they have on carrying outthe tennis sports, this paper described a project, whose objects of study were the currentsituation and developing policies of the amateur tennis sports. In this project, literaturereview, survey method, interviewing method, mathematic statistical method, and logicalanalyzing method were taken as the basic research methods. According to the resultsachieved in the questionnaire interview and the interviews of some experts in this aspect,following conclusions were made:(1) The downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis sport participants mainly male,most participants between the ages of21to30, and individual students, or the owner, atthe same time participants present higher education characteristics.(2) The downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis sport participants activity timehas no obvious characteristics; Mostly in2to6PM and6PM; Each time,2to3times aweek2to3hours; Participants with more entertainment, relaxation and enhancephysical fitness; Most of the participants are influenced by family and friends andduring the period of school participate in tennis and tennis interest; The downtown ofSuzhou city amateur tennis sport consumption characteristics highly educated, highincome, but the overall consumption level is low, mainly on physical consumption.(3) The downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis sport mass base is good, but thefacilities in both quantity and quality can’t meet the demand of the growing movement,single tennis tournament organization model at the same time, the lack of fundingsources, mainly are the government support, social sponsorship.(4) The downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis movement development influenced by various factors, including the government sports management systemand the development of the school tennis are the main factors affecting thedevelopment of the downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis sport.In view of the situation of the downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennis sport, thispaper puts forward four Suggestions below:(1) Give full play to their role as the media propaganda, active ideologicalguidance, form good amateur tennis atmosphere, attracting a growing number of tennisenthusiasts, especially for women, older and teenagers amateur tennis sport participantswill be able to actively participate in, raise people’s subject consciousness to participatein tennis, slowly amateur tennis sport has become a mass sports culture an integral partof life.(2) Comprehensive development of the downtown of Suzhou city amateur tennissport, amateur tennis sport construction become a fitness, entertainment, leisure andconsumption in the integration of sports and full development of amateur tennis sportmarket, the amateur tennis sport physical markets, appreciate and participate in themarket bigger and stronger, form the industrial chain of amateur tennis sport market.(3) Suzhou city sports bureau to strengthen the policy support of amateur tennissport, and guide, the development and supervision, give full play to the mass sports’office planning and guiding role in the development of amateur sport. The appropriateexpansion of tennis resources, build a batch of collection of leisure, entertainment,fitness, competition venues, such as multi-functional in one of the tennis level facilitieslack of pressure; Make full use of existing resources, maximize the open part ofrelatively free tennis facilities, improve the utilization rate; On aging and damage offacilities for timely maintenance and repair, ensure the amateur tennis sportsdevelopment is not affected.(4) Give full play to the advantages of combined type sports management system,at the same time encourage the social from all walks of life to actively participate in theamateur tennis sport activities such as organization, held, publicity to promote amateurtennis sport promotion. In the downtown of Suzhou city open tennis lessons in primaryand secondary schools, cultivating primary and middle school students’ tennis exercise habit and lifelong sports consciousness, strengthen the foundation for the developmentof the amateur tennis sport.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期