

The Study on Communication and Development of DaoQing Shadow Play of Huan County

【作者】 李欣蔚

【导师】 许小平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 环县地处我国北方农牧交错带,这里风高土燥,秋早春迟,千百年来灾异频繁、民习艰苦。独具环县民间艺术特色的道情皮影小戏,却以其强大的生命力在陇东的崇山峻岭、沟谷峁梁之间活跃了百余年之久,因而环县道情皮影又称“陇东道情”。环县道情皮影在经历了上世纪八十年代之前的发端期、八十年代至世纪末的深化期和兴盛期、以及21世纪之后的全面拓展期,如今逐渐走向衰败,式微已经成为不争的事实。本文选择环县当地四大皮影戏班之史家班为研究对象,通过文献法、田野调查法,个案访谈法(口头采访)对史家班四代艺人的传承传艺谱系作了深入的调查和分析。探讨在如此落后的西北一隅之地,如何有这样瑰丽奇葩的民间艺术?当地百姓为何选择这样一种艺术形式?艺人之间如何传承才使得其至今保存的尚且完整?发展到今天,环县道情皮影的生存现状如何?被列为世界级非物质文化遗产的环县道情皮影,其开发、传承和保护工作进展如何,其效果又如何?经过实地的考察和访谈,笔者看到伴随着社会的变迁、科学技术的发展、替代性文化形态的出现以及传承人的断档,环县道情皮影正濒临着灭亡的边缘。本文试图通过对史家戏班这个个案来分析研究与其相符合的历史时代特征,并对环县道情皮影整体衰败的原因做详实的记录。除绪论与结语之外,全文共分为五章,第一章介绍当地的历史文化和地理环境,寻找环县道情皮影生存的时空、文史背景,同时也交代笔者的书写立场。第二章从历史的角度探析环县道情皮影的源起和发展,并以实地考察情况来分析其生存的现状。第三章选取百年戏班史家班为研究对象,真实记录环县道情皮影在史家班四代艺人中的传承过程。第四章用新闻传播学的理论方法分析环县道情皮影的传播现状。第五章,分析其衰败的原因,指出其传承保护所存在的局限性,并阐述笔者对此的看法。

【Abstract】 Huan county is located in the farming-pastoral zone of the North China, where the wind is wild and the soil is poor because of the irregular seasons and the frequent disasters. People have been suffering with poverty for thousands of years. However, with unique folk art characteristics and its strong vitality, the Huan County Taoism shadow plays have been animating for hundreds of years among the high mountains and the lofty hills of Longdong, which is also called "Daoqing longdong". Daoqing shadow plays had experienced the initiation period before the80s of the last century. During the80s of the last century, it met the deepening development of the plays. In the end of the last century, the plays received the period flourishing, and the comprehensive development after the21st Century. Nevertheless, it has become an indisputable fact that the plays are confronted with gradually decline nowadays.The object of the study is Shi Jiaban which is one of the four local shadow play troupes.The author takes advantages of the literature analysis, field survey and case interviews (oral interviews) on the transmission spectrum of a class of four generations of artists to make in-depth investigation and analysis. How does this magnificent folk art survive on such poor and small plot of land in the northwest of China? Why do the locals choose such an art form? Which methods do they use among the artists to guarantee the safety of the inhabitation? What are the survival circumstances of the Huan County shadow? What are the statuses of the development, the inheritance and the protection work of Daoqing shadow play which is listed as one of the world intangible cultural heritages? And are there any effects after so many measures are taken on the plays?With the development of science and technology, it appears the alternative forms of culture and the out stock of heritage people, and Daoqing shadow play is facing with the edge of extinction. This paper attempts to analyze the historical reasons of Daoqing shadow play by case analysis of Shi Jiaban. In addition, the reasons of the decline of the play will be detailed analyzed.In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis is divided into five chapters:the first chapter introduces the local history, cultural and geographical environment of the play, tries to find the survival space and the historical background of the Huan County shadow, and also to explain the author’s writing standpoint. With origin and development be analyzed from the historical prospect, the survival circumstances of the Daoqing shadow play will be analyzed in the second chapter. In the third chapter, with Shi Jiaban which has one hundred years history as the study object, it will fully record the inheritance process of the play during four generations of artists. In chapter four, the communication status of Daoqing shadow will be analyzed by using theory and method of the journalism and communication. In chapter five, the author will analyse the reasons of decline of the play, and studies the intrinsic and extrinsic factors for its sustainable development, hoping to provide methods for the problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期