

The Research on Iran’s Policies Towards the USA During the Period of Khamenei-Khatami

【作者】 吕海军

【导师】 敏敬;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 世界史, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 伊朗伊斯兰革命之后,美国对伊朗伊斯兰共和国持敌视态度,并采取遏制政策。面对美国的遏制,伊朗采取了一系列反遏制措施。哈梅内伊—哈塔米时期,根据国内外形势的变化,哈塔米政府在坚持革命原则的前提下采取灵活务实的对美国政策,有力地回击了美国的遏制,改善了伊朗的国际形象,提高了伊朗的国际地位,拓展了伊朗的外部空间,缓解了伊朗的外交压力。文章分为绪论、正文和结语三部分,其中正文分为三章。绪论部分阐释选题缘由和意义,回顾国内外研究现状,界定基本概念,介绍本文的写作思路和创新之处。第一章论述伊斯兰革命以来,伊朗对美国政策的发展演变过程。伊斯兰革命胜利之后,霍梅尼时期经过短暂的试探性接触,伊朗随即对美国采取极端强硬的政策。哈梅内伊—拉夫桑贾尼时期,伊朗对美国逐渐采取灵活务实的政策,两国关系趋于缓和。这段时间,伊朗对美国的政策由僵化极端逐渐向灵活务实演变。第二章论述哈梅内伊—哈塔米时期伊朗对美国政策的新变化。第一节分析这一时期影响伊朗定对美国政策的因素,主要分为国内因素和国外因素。国内因素主要有伊朗的经济状况、民众的态度、保守派和改革派力量的此消彼长。国际因素主要有美国对伊朗政策的调整,伊朗所处的国际环境以及重大的国际事件。第二节论述伊朗反对美国遏制的主要措施。在“邪恶轴心”讲话出炉之前,伊朗采取缓和、友好的方式对抗美国的遏制。“邪恶轴心”讲话出炉之后,伊朗对美国采取强硬对抗的政策。第三章分析哈梅内伊—哈塔米时期伊朗对美国政策的特点和启示,简单评价伊朗对美国政策的意义。结语部分简短总结全文。

【Abstract】 The USA held a hostile attitude towards the islamic republic of Iran and adopted a policy of containment after the islamic revolution took place in Iran.Confronting this situation,Iran took a series of measures to fight against the containment of the USA.During the period of Khamenei-Khatami,the Khatami administration adopted flexible and pragmatic policies towards the USA according to the changes of domestic and international situations,in the premise that Iran persisted in the principles of the revolution, these policies were a counterblast to the containment of the USA,improved the international image of I ran. increased the international status of lran,extended the diplomatic area of Iran and alleviated the diplomatic pressure of Iran.This article inclueds the introduction、the text and the epilogue,among which,the main text is divided into three chapters.The introduction explains the reasons and significances of this topic,reviews the status quo of this research at home and abroad,defines the basic concepts and introduces the train of thought and the innovations.The first chapter dicusses the evolution of iranian policies towards the USA since the islamic revolution.After the victory of the islamic revolution,Iran took extemely tough policies towards the USA after a briefly exploratory contacts during Khomeini period.During the period of Khamenei Rafsanjani, Iran began to adopt a flexible and pragmatic policy towards the USA, relations between the two countries tended to ease. During this period, Iranian policies towards the USA gradually evolved from rigid to flexible and pragmatic.The second chapter discusses the new changes of Iranian policies towards the USA during the period of Khamenei-Khatami. The firse section analyses the factors which affect Iran making policies towards the USA,mainly including domestic and international factors. The economic situation of Iran, the attitude of the people and the shift of the conservatives and the reformists mainly consist of the domestic factors,while the adjustment of policies of the USA towards Iran、the international situation as well as the major international events surrounding Iran consist of internationa factors. The second section expounds the major measures of Iran against the containment of the USA.Ahead of the advent of the speech of "axis of evil ",Iran took a tempered and friendly way to fight against the containment of the USA,but after the speech appeared, Iran took a hard-line standpoint towards the USA.The third chapter analyses the characteristics and enlightenments of Iranian policies towards the USA during the period of Khamenei-Khatami,and evaluate the significances of those policies.The epilogue gives a brief summary of the full text.

【关键词】 伊朗哈梅内伊哈塔米对美国政策
【Key words】 IranKhameneiKhatamiPolicies towards the USA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D871.2;D837.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116