

Legal Analysis of the Financing Problems of SMEs

【作者】 房萌萌

【导师】 陈国文;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 中小企业在我国分布广泛、数量众多,拉动经济增长作用日益加大。温州经济自中国改革开放以来的快速发展,得益于温州中小企业的巨大发展,温州中小民营企业极大地促进了区域经济发展,解决了当地闲散人员的就业问题,并且一定程度上维护了社会的安定和谐。然而2011年温州中小企业主出逃事件的不断升级与演化,暴露了温州中小企业融资难的现状。温州独具特色的民间融资系统由于没有法律规范,使得大量热钱纷纷涌入非生产性行业,出现了产业空心化与资金风险,法律纠纷接连不断。在严峻的国际、国内金融背景下,分析温州中小企业的融资困难问题,需要从中小企业的现状分析入手,首先分析温州中小企业的发展特征与现状,进而逐步统计中小企业的融资现状,总结出温州中小企业的融资结构。分析得出,温州中小企业融资结构一直经历着发展与变化,已由过去的以民间借贷为主,官方金融借贷为补充的外部筹资方式演变为以金融借贷为外源融资主渠道,民间借贷比例有所下降的独特的二元并存模式。因此需要从正规金融渠道与民间借贷两方面的情况与问题去分析企业融资难的原因。本文从民间借贷和正规融资渠道两方向为主线入手,提出中小企业自身的混乱管理、金融制度的严格管制方针、法律政策体系不完善、商业银行与担保公司不能很好服务中小企业等五方面的原因。接着有的放矢地提出解决中小企业融资困难的对策,那就是提高中小企业整体素质,促进产业结构转型升级,深化金融改革与制度创新和法制建设与政府服务跟进,以期能对新时期下中小企业融资困难的现状提供一种解决方式。

【Abstract】 At present the number of SMEs in China is more than10,000,000households, accounting for99%of the sum of the enterprises, Small and medium-sized enterprises contributed60%of GDP in China,50%tax and80%of urban employment. Small and medium enterprises to promote economic growth in the increasingly prominent play a decisive role in economic development. Wenzhou economy since China’s reform policy, Wenzhou SMEs in promoting regional economic development, increasing employment, plays a prominent role in the maintenance of social stability and unity. However, with the development and evolution of the2011Wenzhou small business owners fled event, exposed the financing difficulty of SMEs in Wenzhou, Wenzhou unique folk financing system due to the lack of legal norms, making a large number of hot money influx of non-production industry, the industry and capital risk, legal dispute continuously.In the severe international, domestic financial background, Analysis the financing difficulties of SMEs, need to research the financing structure of small and medium-sized enterprises of Wenzhou. Wenzhou SME financing is a kind of formal finance in the modern banking industry with the private lending market unique two coexisting structure. So it needs two aspects from the formal financial channels and borrowing the present situation and the existing problems to analyze the reasons of the financing difficulties of enterprises. Then, make a definite object in view to forward countermeasures to solve the difficulties of financing of SMEs. That is to improve their overall quality, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure, deepening financial reform and institutional innovation, the construction of legal system and government services.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.28;D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】573