

The Vocabulary Teaching of Intermediate Reading under the Guidance of Character-based Theory in TCFL

【作者】 张妤君

【导师】 陈晓强;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 半个世纪以来,对外汉语无论是专业发展还是教学实践都得到很大的发展,但对外汉语作为一门新兴学科仍然面临一些问题和困境。尤其是汉字教学与汉语其他方面教学的脱轨,导致留学生阅读课中汉字认读理解困难和汉语词汇教学中教学效率不高的问题已经比较突出。长期以来对外汉语教学以“词本位”为指导,“语文同步”的教学方法所带来的困境已经显现出来,本文结合外汉语阅读课教学实践案例,通过分析教材编写、课程设置、教学方法等方面的内容,归纳总结留学生在阅读中遇到的汉语字词方面的问题及其产生的原因,以“字”本位理论为依据,结合阅读课的教学特点,以字为中心,把汉字和词汇教学融合起来,对如何在汉语阅读课中进行词汇教学,改进教学方法和技巧,提高学生汉语水平和能力做出尝试和反思。

【Abstract】 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) has developed greatly whether in theory construction or in teaching practice for more than half a century, but we can’t ignore that TCFL still faces some problems and plights as a new discipline, especially the derail in Chinese character teaching and other aspects of Chinese teaching, which causes the difficulty of Chinese character recognition and comprehension and the Low efficiency in vocabulary teaching. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language takes the word-oriented theory as guidance for a long time, the disadvantages brings by original teaching method has showed up.Based on the analysis of textbook compilation, course offered, teaching methods and more, this paper summarized the problems which the overseas students met in the studying of Chinese words and the causes of the problems Combined with the teaching practice. Under the guidance of character-based theory, this paper centered on Chinese characters, fused Chinese characters teaching and vocabulary teaching combining with the characteristics of reading lessons. It made attempts and introspection in how to conduct vocabulary teaching, how to make the methods and techniques better and improve Chinese language proficiency and skills of overseas student.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期