

The Evaluation on Service Capabilities of Community Health Centers and Satisfaction in Lanzhou

【作者】 陶冶

【导师】 丁国武;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目的通过了解兰州市社区卫生服务(CHS)中心的发展现状,对其卫生服务能力进行重点分析,总结兰州市社区卫生服务中心存在的优点和缺点;并对辖区内的居民进行社区卫生服务的满意度调查。探讨社区卫生服务中心未来发展的重点和方向,从而为研究兰州市社区卫生服务能力提供依据,为提高卫生服务能力提出建议。方法本文应用分层抽样和随机抽样的方法,在兰州市抽取15所社区卫生服务中心和辖区内的600名居民进行调查研究,收集有关的描述性资料,对其进行分类和总结;对问卷调查中相关的指标进行数量化的测定和比较,并对其进行统计分析。结果本次调查发现社区卫生服务中心基础设施建设,基本达到了国家城市社区卫生服务中心设置指导标准;兰州市居民对社区卫生服务中心的满意度处于中高水平。调查发现:社区卫生服务中心人力资源专业构成不合理,卫生技术人员主要以执业医师和护士为主,占72.14%,严重缺少预防保健人员和卫生管理人员,存在重医轻预防的倾向和管理效率低下的问题。同时,社区卫生服务中心的卫生技术人员业务素质不高,学历处于相对较低程度,严重缺少高素质的人才。在信息化建设上对社区卫生信息化建设缺乏足够的认识。对社区居民的满意度调查显示,居民对就医环境的满意度最高,其次是就医的方便程度,最不满意的是设备配置和收费水平。结论兰州市社区卫生服务中心需要加快人才培养,提高社区卫生服务队伍整体素质;建立完善的信息化系统,实现信息资源共享。

【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the service capacity of community health service centers so as to sum up their advantage and disadvantage through a situation analysis on the development of community health services. Furthermore, to explore the priority of development of community health service centers and service capacity building in the future based on resident’s satisfaction survey and related result mentioned above.Methods15community health service centers and600residents were chosen by using stratified sampling and random sampling methods.Quantitative methods including questionnaire survey and descriptive statistics of related parameters were used for related situation analysis.Results The infrastructure of community health service center was basically matched the guiding criteria of the national urban community health service centers. The residents’ satisfaction on community health service center services was at high level. The structure of professional qualification, education and subject were unreasonable, the physicians and nurses accounted for72.14%, with shortage of the preventive health care workers and health managers, low management inefficiencies. The qualified professionals lacked and the quality of health services was not high. The construction of health information system lagged behind.The residents’ satisfaction of medical care environment ranked the highest, the next is the medical treatment accessibility, and the most dissatisfied items were the device configuration and medical cost.Conclusion The Community Health Center in Lanzhou needs to strengthen service capacity building, improve the overall quality of community health services in order to improve the resident’s satisfaction, establish and improve the information system and enhance sharing of information resources so as to improve the management efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期