

Research on Current Situation and Countermeasures of Tennis Social Sports Instructor Team Training in Jiangsu

【作者】 孙强

【导师】 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着江苏省经济的快速发展,社区体育不断深入发展。网球作为一门新兴的体育项目,已经成为各阶层人士的一种共同需要,网球市场的需求也空前庞大。面对新时期的这一变化,如何培养一支高素质的网球服务队伍,从而减少人们进行网球运动的盲目性,进一步推进全民健身和社会体育发展进程,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。培训作为网球社会体育指导员工作的重要组成部分,担负着重要使命。对网球社会体育指导员队伍培训的研究有利于提高网球社会体育指导员队伍建设的质量,建全培训体系,促进网球社会体育指导员的工作走向规范化和系统化,对完善江苏省网球社会体育指导员的可持续发展具有着重要的意义。本文通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对江苏省网球社会体育指导员培训工作的现状进行研究,理论联系实际,找出适合江苏省网球社会体育指导员队伍培训的模式、内容和方法。研究结果显示:目前江苏省网球社会体育指导员从数量到质量与社会需求差距较大,各级别间数量、年龄、性别间的比例不平衡,各等级层次未形成合理的流动和运行机制;江苏省队伍培训的对象选拔以自荐为主,通过多渠道选拔培训对象;在培训方式多采用在集中面授的前提下分类型培训,同时推行“走进来”和“走出去”相结合的培训方式;级别越高的网球社会体育指导员集中培训时数占的比重越小,自学时数的比重越大;级别越高的网球社会体育指导员专项理论培训时数占的比重越高,专项技能培训的时数越低。对江苏省网球社会体育指导员培训的背景进行了分析,针对江苏省网球社会体育指导员队伍培训现状及其发展中存在的问题提出了发展对策:优化参加培训人员结构,合理修正培训内容和方式;创新课堂培训模式,建立再培训机制;提高队伍质量,发挥高校教育资源为培养网球社会体育指导员的优势;提高政府职能,增加网球社会体育指导员队伍培训的经费投入;探索构建完善的网球社会体育指导员网络培训平台。

【Abstract】 As the rapidly development of economy in Jiangsu Province, the community sportsdevelope further. As a burgeoning sports, tennis has already become a commonnecessary of different classes, and it has a unprecedented grand market necessary. It isimportant for us to develop a high-quality tennis service team to reduce the people’sblindness of playing tennis and put forward the develop process of national fitness andsocial sports. As an important constituent part of tennis social sports instructor, trainingcharges a lot. The research of tennis social sports instructor is in favour of developingthe community sports guidance team,regulating economic activity and making the workof tennis social sports instructor more standardize and systematize, It makes much senseto the sustainable development of tennis social sports instructor.This article uses the literature material, expert interviews, statistical methods,logical analysis to research the current situation of jiangsu’s tennis social sportsinstructors training. Combining theory and practice, we have found the mode, contentand method which is fit for the jiangsu’s tennis social sports instructor. The resultsshowed:Currently Jiangsu Province tennis social sports instructor from number to qualityand social needs gap larger, levels don’t between number, and age, and gender betweenof proportion does not balance, the level is not formed reasonable of flow and runmechanism; Jiangsu Province team training of object selection to cold mainly, throughmulti-channel selection training object; categorical training to use more concentrated thepremise of the face-to-face training methods, while implemented "into to" and "out to"phase combined of training way; A higher level of tennis social sports instructor trainingnumber share of the smaller, larger proportion of hours of self-study; special theory ofsocial sports instructors in a higher level of tennis training number share of the higher the lower the number of hours of training in special skills.We analyzed the background of the cultivate of tennis social sports instructors inJiangsu province, then put forward the following countermeasures to solve the existingproblems about the current situation and the development in the future of the training ofJiangsu province tennis social sports instructors:optimize the structure of theparticipants who are in training, and make reasonable modification of training contentand methods;innovation mode and retraining mechanism should be adopted duringclassroom training;improve the quality of members and make full use of the advantageof the educational resources offered by colleges and universities for tennis training insocial sports instructor;enhance the functions of the government, and increase theinvestment in social sports instructor training;to explore to polish the construction of thenetwork platform, where the tennis social sports instructors are cultivated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期