

Selective Eforcement and Legal Control

【作者】 李海刚

【导师】 周桂党;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 行政法(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会的发展和经济的不断腾飞,法治国家普遍面临着执法活动中法律法规问题的选择和取舍问题,尤其是在经济和社会转型的当代,选择性执法现象在中国当前的执法实践中层出不穷,相当普遍。针对此现象,公众和学者进行了广泛的关注和深入的思考。本文在研究与借鉴国外可行经验的基础上,结合当下中国行政执法的实际情况,分四个部分对选择性执法及其法律控制这一主题进行探讨。第一章主要是案情介绍,通过对案情介绍和案件焦点问题的分析,引导出选择性执法的主要表现形式,具体包括选择特定的执法对象、执法时间和选择特定的法律执行等三个方面。第二章主要是选择性执法的概述。从概念中提炼出选择性执法的性质与特征,明确选择性执法的内涵与外延,指出选择性执法实质上是对行政裁量权的滥用,目前选择性执法的领域和范围都比较大,而且选择性执法缺乏有效的监督。第三章主要论述选择性执法的危害和成因。选择性执法冲击了行政平等原则,弱化了法律权威,增加了公民、社会乃至国家的成本与负担,破坏了法制统一,是对落实依法治国理念、建设法治政府的严重破坏。第四章主要研究选择性执法的具体控制措施。文章结合近年来的最新实践,相对于传统控制方式上过于依赖立法机关的立法控制和司法机关的司法审查,文章提出了诸多切实可行的行政机关内部控制措施,包括行政主体制定行政裁量基准,推广行政案例指导制度等。此外,还要加强行政执法程序建设,制定统一的行政程序法;规范执法行为,完善行政机关考核制度;健全日常执法机制,完善立法审查和司法审查,保障法制统一。

【Abstract】 In2004, the state council issued "the comprehensive advancement legal administration implementation summary", put forward the goals about construction of the government of law, asked strictly justice law enforcement. But in practice, there appear a large number selective enforcement phenomenon. Administrative authority based on certain factors, choose specific objects, time, and even choose specific law enforcement, which called selective enforcement of the law. China recently appeared to a number of selective enforcement phenomenon is the abused of modern administrative discretion. Selective enforcement phenomenon has gradually been a public notice; the harm is also caused wide discussion. Selective enforcement not only violated the equal rights of citizens, increase the cost of law enforcement, also harm the authority of law, and destroy the legal faith of people. This article absorbs foreign experiences, and on the basis of China’s current practice, advances some strong measures of legal control operation, including setting administrative discretion benchmark, the promotion of administrative case guidance system, strengthen the law enforcement system, perfect the administrative examination and supervision system, and perfect the legal standard conflict resolution mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】327