

A Research on Internal Social Network’s Change Through Time and the Development of Organization about X Farmer’s Specialized Cooperative in Gansu Province

【作者】 李龙

【导师】 魏淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 社会学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 农民专业合作社是讨论现代农业难以避开的话题,它是农业产业中非常重要的组织,在政府的大力支持下,各式各样的合作社兴起成立,但组织成长过程中由于不同利益代表权益失衡或者规范制度与实际制度的冲突将合作社繁荣背后的“名实分离”现象推至前幕。我们习常认为中国是一个“关系”社会,“关系”、“面子”、“人情”、“圈子”等词汇也是本土学术资源的常见词,运用社会网络方法研究组织其潜在的应用价值是巨大的。多数学者通过定量研究和对比分析得出内部机制是组织绩效和组织治理问题的突破口。本研究着力分析X合作社内部社会关系网的变化,运用整体网分析方法对合作社内部近亲关系网、好友关系网、咨询网、借款借物网以及信任网做了中心性分析和小群体分析,并对合作社成立之初和现阶段的网络特征加以对比。从中心性分析看,元老成员在合作社发展现阶段仍处于核心地位,其控制能力相比后参与人员较为明显。从小群体分析看,元老成员在现阶段依旧是较为关系紧密的凝聚子群,其他“圈子”都是依附于元老成员的节点之上,基于好友关系,小群体呈凝聚子群趋势,基于咨询关系,小群体呈中心化趋势。网络结构从动态演变的角度可以粗略总结为中心控制型,基于此讨论了与合作社发展相关的因素,包括合作社成员参与动机、成员信任关系以及合作社的治理。

【Abstract】 Farmer’s specialized cooperative, a vital organization in the process of the agriculture industry, is still an inevitable topic in modern agriculture. Under the substantial support of the government, diversified cooperatives have sprung up and been established, whereas’the separation between the name and the reality’ phenomenon has been pushed to the front screen resulted from either unbalanced powers and interests among different stakeholders or the conflicts between standardizing system and practical system. Native scholars create many vivid concepts to study the relations as well as the social structure, so the use of social network research organization of its potential is huge. Many a scholars have drawn the conclusion that internal mechanism by means of quantitative research and comparative analysis is the cut-in point for tackling the organizational performance and the organizational governance issues.This study focuses on analyzing the shift of social network inside the cooperative, using the whole network analysis method, this study makes centrality analysis and analysis of small groups within the cooperatives close relationships, friend relationships, advisory network, the borrower network and the network of trust, this study also makes a comparison of the characteristics between the beginning and the current network of X cooperative. According to the results of the centrality analysis, the veteran members are still at the core place at the current stage, they show stronger control capability than the after members. According to the small group analysis, veteran members are still in relatively close ties of condensing subgroup at this stage, other circles are attached to the nodes of them,based on the good friend relationship, small group showed a trend of condensing subgroup, based on consulting relationship, an centralized trend is showed in small groups,from the angle of dynamic evolution, the network structure can be roughly summed up as central control type. Based on this, we discuss the factors that relevant to the development of X cooperative, including the members of the cooperative motivation, members of the trust relationships and cooperative governance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期