

Research of All Copyright Operation Mode of SNDA CLOUDARY

【作者】 杨寅红

【导师】 张利洁;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网的发展和普及,我国数字出版得到了重大发展,数字版权运营在内容、平台、传播渠道、技术和终端等领域发展迅速,但仍面临着传统出版社对版权运营抵触导致内容产品不足,数字出版平台建设情况不尽人意,移动运营商的手机阅读模式备受诟病和商业盈利模式不明朗的问题。在这种背景下,盛大文学凭借自身全版权运营模式取得的成就受到了广泛的关注。盛大文学的发展历程,作为一个重要案例,几乎就是数字出版行业的一部发展史。盛大文学通过不断的摸索和创新,最终成为数字出版内容生产、版权流通平台和个人阅读器终端的集大成者。本研究将盛大文学的发展历程梳理成为四个阶段:起点阶段——收购起点中文网;发展阶段——收购多家网站和出版机构;全版权运营阶段——由数字出版走向传统图书和影视;平台阶段——云中书城的建立。盛大文学全版权运营模式主要由版权生产和版权分销两部分构成,版权生产来源为旗下原创网站,版权分销主要通过网络文学收费阅读、图书出版、影视改编、云中书城和移动阅读业务等渠道来实现。在盛大文学的发展过程中,内容资源、版权运营和盈利模式成为关键问题。本文利用SWOT模式,对盛大文学全版权运营模式全方位进行分析,得出其优势、劣势、机遇和风险,为其提出了未来发展的建议和策略,以促进盛大文学和整个数字出版行业的健康有序发展。

【Abstract】 With the development and popularization of Internet, digital publishing in China has been a major development, digital copyright operation in the rapid development of content, platform, communication channels, and terminals and other fields, but still faces the traditional press on copyright operation conflict lead content products, digital publishing platform construction of unsatisfactory, mobile phone reading model criticized and commercial profit pattern is not clear the problem of mobile operators.In this context, SNDA CLOUDARY with its all copyright operation mode achievements have been widely concerned. The development course of SNDA CLOUDARY, as an important case, almost is the digital publishing industry and the development history of. SNDA CLOUDARY through continuous exploration and innovation, eventually becoming a master of digital publishing, in copyright content production circulation platform and dividual reader terminal.There are four stages in the development history of SNDA CLOUDARY into four stages:starting stage--the acquisition of start Chinese net; stage of development--buy several websites and publications; all copyright operation stage--by digital publication to the traditional books and movies; establish platform stage--cloud bookstore.SNDA CLOUDARY all copyright operation mode is mainly composed of copyright and copyright distribution is composed of two parts, the copyright production source for its original site, copyright distribution mainly through the network literature reading, book publishing, film and television adaptations, the cloud bookstore and mobile reading service channels to achieve.In the development process of SNDA CLOUDARY, content resources, copyright operation and profit mode becomes the key problem. Based on the SWOT model, carries on the analysis to the SNDA CLOUDARY all copyright operation mode a full range, the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks, and puts forward some suggestions and strategies for the future development of the publishing industry, promote to SNDA CLOUDARY and the healthy and orderly development of the whole digital publishing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G237.6;G239.22-F
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1456
  • 攻读期成果