

Study of the Criminal Reconciliation Applicable Scope

【作者】 魏竞超

【导师】 拜荣静;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 刑事诉讼法(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 作为一种新型的刑事纠纷解决制度,刑事和解制度具备恢复性司法的功能,在注重双方当事人沟通与协商的基础上,它在解决刑事案件所引发的纠纷时具有传统刑事诉讼制度所不具备的显著作用。然而,近几年我国司法机关在刑事案件中引入和解机制的探索性实践中,对于适用和解的刑事案件的范围却缺少具体的规制,在实践中往往将具有和解协议而检察院又作出不起诉决定的公诉案件一律认为属于刑事和解的范畴,从而在定程度上引起了对刑事和解制度本身的质疑和争议。鉴于我国是一个成文法国家,因此有必要对和解在刑事案件中的适用进行深入地探讨,根据新刑诉法的最新规定着重对刑事案件的性质划分轻重,以明确可以适用和解的刑事案件的范围并予以具体的规制。本文在结构上主要分为三个部分:第一部分简单介绍曾某抢劫案与赵某伤害案的案情、处理结果,并罗列出比较两案形成的有争议的若干法律问题,如刑事和解的基本理论界定,案例和案例二是否都是法律意义上的刑事和解,检察院对曾某和赵某作出不起诉的决定是否正确,刑事和解对刑法基本原则的冲击,刑事和解适用范围等问题。第二部分以我国当前的刑事法律为主要的理论指导,通过对刑事和解制度的细致分析,并紧密结合两个案例,进一步的深入讨论分析了由两个案例对比所反映出来的一些问题,并在此基础上提出笔者自己的一些浅薄看法。第三部分从案例出发结合最新法律规定和司法实践提出自己的一些思考,对犯罪区分轻重罪之后,对刑事案件中适用和解的情形进行合理的限制,根据新刑诉法的规定提出适用刑事和解的案件选择标准,并从刑事和解制度的缺陷出发,提出自已的完善建议,并针对案例及刑事和解提出的刑法民法化的质疑阐述笔者对刑事和解制度本身的反思。

【Abstract】 As a new criminal dispute settlement mechanism, the criminal reconciliation system in China in recent years has been widely used in judicial practice. Compared to the traditional criminal litigation system, the criminal reconciliation system which pay more attention or direct communication and negotiation of each parties in criminal procedure, is an effective way to solve criminal cases caused disputes.In recent years, China’s judicial organs of criminal reconciliation mechanism is introduced in the felony case, but this has caused extensive disputes. Although in the western countries the felony cases in the applicable criminal reconciliation has successful examples for reference, but in view of the legal basis for the criminal reconciliation system in China which does not have a written, so it is necessary for us to discuss the application of the criminal reconciliation in the felony caseThe structure of this paper is mainly divided into three parts:In first chapter i’Ⅱ introduces the case, the verdict, and put out some legal problems of cases contriversial. In second part i’Ⅱ analyses legal issues of the case from the perspective of jurisprudence, and discuss the relation between the principle of felony case criminal reconciliation system and criminal law. In the third part i will discusses the reasonable conditions of practical application of the criminal reconciliation in felony cases and the effective range of the case according domestic and international criminal judicial idea and i will find the defects and deficiencies of the current felony cases through the domestic and international criminal justice system as well as the case of problem which the criminal reconciliation system in China construction exist. Then i will get the criminal judicial policy of establishing the assumption and expectation of felony cases of criminal reconciliation system in china.

【关键词】 刑事和解适用范围规制
【Key words】 criminal reconciliationregulationproper limit
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】335