

The Research on the Environment Data Statistics and Analysis of Cave’s Management Based on the Mogao Caves

【作者】 张国彬

【导师】 张明泉; 汪万福;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 环境工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,曾经一度被忽视的环境已日益为人们所关注,从某种程度上说,环境的优劣已成为衡量生活质量高低、社会进步程度的标志。相对文物而言,其环境的优劣同样影响文物保存的好坏。然而,在环保意识不断提升的今天,文物环境越来越受到人们的关注。文物保存环境是指文物所在的空间及可以直接或间接影响文物保存的各种自然因素和人为因素。在我国,由于受经济条件的制约,自然环境质量的恶化,加上人文环境的影响,文物劣化速度不断加剧,由于环境造成对文物毁坏的例子屡见不鲜,如石质文物风化,金属文物腐蚀,纸张酸度增加,壁画、彩画褪色,等等。国家科委《影响文物保护的环境因素及文物保护环境质量标准的研究》课题组近几年来通过对30余处全国重点文物保护单位的调查分析,认为大气污染是损害文物的祸首,降尘、酸性气体和酸雨则是最主要的因素。遗产地的环境监测对遗产地的保护与管理具有重要的意义,是遗产地管理机构对文物保护、管理做出决策的基础支撑。联合国教科文组织的《实施<保护世界文化与自然遗产公约>的操作指南》、文化部颁布的《世界文化遗产保护管理办法》都涉及了遗产地的环境监测,以及环境监测所具有的重要作用;国家文物局颁布的《中国世界文化遗产监测巡视管理办法》还规定了世界文化遗产地进行监测的主要内容。《中国文物古迹保护准则》要求有相应的科学检测措施和阶段监测,认为日常保养与监测制度是对文物最基本和最重要的保护手段。莫高窟的环境监测经历了一个从无到有、从简单到复杂、从直觉判断到系统化、从被动到主动的过程。对监测结果进行科学分析而得出的结论为莫高窟的保护、管理水平的提高起到了积极的推进作用。本研究主要从洞窟微环境监测数据入手,分析由于自然和人类活动过程中洞窟内外的温度、相对湿度、CO2浓度的变化,把洞窟内微环境变化与洞窟内文物病害机理有效的结合,在分析研究莫高窟近20年的环境数据的基础上,总结前人研究成果,系统的分析和研究了正常开放状态、模拟状态、“五一”、“十一”旅游黄金周状态、降雨过程中洞窟内外的微环境变化情况,结合壁画产生的病害机理,形成了洞窟内最高相对湿度和CO2浓度的阈值,利用这些阈值,进一步把洞窟微环境监测应用到洞窟的管理中;本文研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:(1)利用SF6气体,选择不同层位、形制、大小、有无甬道及大小等洞窟进行洞窟内空气速率研究,为进一步游客承载量实验采集最基础详实的科学数据。(2)在“五一”、“十一”旅游黄金周期间,分析旅游高峰期时游客对洞窟微环境的影响,确定最高游客参观下莫高窟洞窟微环境的极值。(3)分析在极端天气(降雨)过程中洞窟内的温湿度监测数据,明确在降雨过程中,洞窟内微环境的变化特征,为以后的洞窟管理提供科学的数据支持。(4)通过对洞窟内微环境的数据分析和研究,结合壁画病害产生的机理,明确相对湿度、C02浓度的相应阈值,用阈值来确定洞窟的开放状态,使得文物保护从被动性保护向预防性保护逐渐过渡,在其他遗产地监测体系建设中具有一定有指导意义和现实意义,进一步莫高窟微环境监测体系向科学、规范的方向发展。

【Abstract】 With the standard of people’s material and cultural life being raised, the environment that had ever been ignored is increasingly concerned by people. In some way, The good or bad of environment has become an attribute to test life quality and social improvement. For cultural relics, the environment also influences the quality of cultural relics’existence. However, as environmental awareness gradually growing today, the environment for cultural relics gets attention from some relative aspects.Cultural relics environment refers to the space that cultural relics exists and all natural and human elements that influence cultural relics protection directly or indirectly. In our country, due to the restrict of economic condition and deterioration of physical environment quality together with the effect of cultural environment, the rate of cultural relics being worsen is larger. There is a large number of examples of environment causing damage to cultural relics, such as stone relics weathering, metal relics corrosion, the acidity of papers rising, murals and paintings fading and so on.The group research, The Environmental factors Influencing on Cultural Relics Protection and Research on the Standard of Environmental Quality of Cultural Relics Conservation by the State Science and Technology Commission, takes an investigation and analysis for over30national key protection sites in recent years and finds air pollution is the culprit of damaging the relics, and dustfall, acid gas and acidification are the main factors of them。 Environment monitoring at heritage sites has an important significance of the protection and management of heritage sites, which is the basic support of management organization making decision to the protection and governing of the sites. Environmental monitoring and its significance is involved in such articles as The Guidelines of the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention by UNESCO, Measures for Administration of World Cultural Relics Protection by the Ministry of Culture. The SACH also enacts’Measures for Patrol Management of World Cultural Heritage Monitoring in China’and provides for the main content of monitoring at World Cultural Heritage sites. And the China Principle requires relative scientific monitoring measures and stage monitoring and also believes that daily maintenance and monitor system is the basic and key method for cultural relics. The environmental monitoring at Mogao Grottoes experienced a process that is from nothing to building, from simple to complicated, from intuitive to systematic and from passive to active. The conclusion for scientific analysis of monitor results has a good significance of improving the standard of protection and administration of Mogao Grottoes.This paper studies monitor data in micro-climate from caves and analyzes the change of temperature, relative humidity and CO2concentration inside and outside of the cave due to natural and humain intervention and also combines micro-climate change in the cave with deterioration mechanism of the relics. Based on the analysis and research of environmental data of the Mogao caves in recent20years, it concludes the previous research results, and takes a systematic analysis and study of micro-climate changes in and out of the caves in the condition of regular opening, simulated state, May and October holidays and rainfall and forms the threshold of highest relative humidity and CO2concentration through combining with deterioration mechanism of murals. By using of the threshold, cave micro-climate monitor is further applied into the administration of the caves. The content of this paper mainly includes the following aspects:(1) By utilizing SF6, the caves in different levels, structure, size and with corridor or not are selected to study air velocity in the cave and it provides the basic and complete scientific data for tourist capacity test.(2) During the goden weeks of May and October holiday, it makes an analysis of the influence of visits to cave micro-climate at peak-hour tourism and finds the extrema of cave micro-climate at Mogao in the condition of the most tourist visiting.(3) Taking an analysis of monitor data of temperature and humidity from caves in the process of extreme weather (raining) and make sure the feature of micro-climate changes in the cave during the rain that can give data support to cave management in the future.(4) Through the analysis and research of cave micro-climate data, it combines the mechanism of mural deterioration and finds the thresholds of relative humidity and CO2concentration and then determines the state of cave opening by the threshold. This can promote the protection of cultural relics to transfer from passive conservation to active conservation. It has a guiding and practical significance for the building of monitor system in other heritage sites and at the same time it provides a scientific and standard direction for environmental monitoring system of Mogao.

【关键词】 洞窟微环境监测数据分析管理
【Key words】 CaveMicro-climate monitoringData analysisManagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】K879.21;X83
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】210
  • 攻读期成果