

The Key Technology Research of Database Based on Cloud Computing

【作者】 王兴超

【导师】 马义忠;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 云计算是近年来作为计算机应用与研究领域的一个热门话题,己被大多数业内人士和IT企业认为是下一代计算机核心架构,云计算技术和网络应用技术的应用和推广,使网络中的人们拥有使用大规模分布式的计算资源的能力。在云计算的环境下,使用者拥有强大的计算资源和庞大的存储能力,而可以不用再花费高昂的软件和硬件成本了,这一切都可交给云计算服务提供商来完成。既无需耗费大量精力又节约了成本。本文研究的关键点是NoSQL。文中对NoSQL的基本概念、背景以及所依靠的数据模型与原理进行了介绍;并且依照云计算技术的模式开发了机房资产管理系统,其从架构设计开始一直到数据存储,这所有的过程都体现出了NoSQL,这些相对于传统的关系型数据库都具有一定的优势。本文通过采用云计算体系结构的相关技术,自行设计了一个全新的机房资产管理系统。架构风格采用REST,前端利用RIA(富客户端)强势的表现能力,给用户提供一个良好的实际体验环境。后端数据模型建造部分,采用CouchDB摒弃传统的RDBMS。因为CouchDB在机房资产管理系统设计上有文档存储与无模式的特点,从三个方面论述了它的灵敏性:第一,它是一个数据库服务器,能够适应灵活多变的业务;第二,HTTP服务器能够更好的支持REST架构;第三,它是一个应用服务器,可以不需要中间层。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the promotion and application of cloud computing technology to enable people to have the ability to use large-scale distributed computing resources in the network. Cloud computing a hot topic in recent years, research and application areas, most of the IT companies and the industry believes that the core architecture of the next generation of computer network applications. Cloud computing environment, users no longer need to spend high cost of hardware and software to powerful computing resources and a huge storage capacity, all of which can be handed over to cloud computing service providers to complete. Both cost savings, they do not need to spend a lot of energy. This paper NoSQL key point for research. NoSQL background, basic concepts, and rely on the data model and the principle of the introduction, and learn from cloud computing technology to develop a room asset management system, from architecture design to data storage reflects NoSQL with respect to the advantages of traditional relational database lies.It is designed a new room asset management syste through the use of cloud computing technology architecture in this paper.It is reled on the RIA (rich client) strong expression ability and provided users with a good practical experience environment by the REST front-end architecture style.The back-end data model construction part, using CouchDB instead of RDBMS. Because CouchDB has the characteristics of document storage and no pattern in the design of computer room asset management system, discusses from three aspects:First, Its sensitivity is a database server, able to adapt to flexible business; Second, The HTTP server can support better the REST architecture; Third, It is an application server without intermediate layer.

【关键词】 云计算数据库NoSQL技术
【Key words】 cloud computingdatabaseNoSQL technology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【下载频次】479