

Research of Optimization on Types of750kV Substation Truss Structures

【作者】 高赞

【导师】 张敬书;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 建筑与土木工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 为了得到750kV变电构架不同结构型式下的最优方案,本文在对750kV变电构架采用普通钢、高强钢和钢管混凝土等结构型式进行计算分析的基础上,比较了不同结构型式构架之间的力学性能指标、钢材用量之间的关系,以及同一结构型式采用不同材料之间的力学性能指标、钢材用量之间的关系。分析研究的变电构架型式主要包括:普通钢格构式构架、普通钢人字柱构架、高强钢格构式构架、高强钢人字柱构架以及钢管混凝土人字柱构架。其中,普通钢人字柱构架包括进出线柱根开尺寸为6m、7m、8m及9m等四种不同方案;高强钢主要采用Q420、Q460、Q500及Q550等四种强度等级分别对格构式构架和7m根开尺寸的人字柱构架进行计算分析;而钢管混凝土构架主要对6m、7m及8m根开人字柱构架进行计算分析。在各型式变电构架满足承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态条件下,统计其材料用量,发现与格构式构架相比,人字柱构架具有传力途径明确、用钢量少的优点;变电构架采用人字柱型式时,8m根开方案用钢量最省。在满足承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态条件下,各结构型式变电构架在大风工况以及设计地震作用下均处于弹性工作状态。为了了解变电构架在罕遇地震作用下的动力特性,本文分析了8m根开普通钢人字柱构架在罕遇地震作用下的振型、周期、最大应力和位移。最后,采用pushover方法对8m根开普通钢人字柱构架进行弹塑性分析,了解其弹塑性工作特性以及塑性铰的发展过程,得到出现塑性铰时相应监测点的位移,以判断罕遇地震作用下构架的工作状态。

【Abstract】 To get optimal scheme of different types of750kV substation truss structures, the mechanical properties and the amount of steel of different types and mechanical properties and the amount of steel of a same type have been analyzed and compared. The types of substation truss structure mainly include ordinary steel lattice truss structure, ordinary steel herringbone column truss structure, high-strength steel lattice truss structure, high-strength steel herringbone column truss structure and concrete filled steel tube herringbone column truss structure. Ordinary steel herringbone column truss structure include6m-root size,7m-root size,8m-root size and9m-root size. Lattice truss structure and7m-root size herringbone column truss structure have been calculated and analyzed by Q420, Q460, Q500and Q55O.6m-root size,7m-root size and8m-root size concrete filled steel tube herringbone column truss structure have been calculated and analyzed. On the premise of meeting the bearing capacity limit state and the serviceability limit state. The amount of steel of different types of substation truss structures has been counted to find out the saving types. Compared with lattice truss structure, less steel is consumed in herringbone column truss structures. The steel consumed in8m-root size herringbone column truss structure consumes is less than those in6m-root size herringbone column truss structure and7m-root size herringbone column truss structure.In the condition of two limit states, substation truss structures were in the linear elastic work status under the wind condition and the design earthquake condition. In order to study the mechanical property under strong earthquake, the vibration mode, period, maximum stress and displacement of8m-root size ordinary steel herringbone column truss structure has been analyzed. Finally,8m-root size ordinary steel herringbone column truss structure has been analyzed by pushover to study its elastic-plastic characteristics and the process of development of plastic hinges. Then the elastic limit displacement of the monitoring point corresponding to the first plastic hinge appears has also been determined to study its working condition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期