

Online Shopping Business Optimization from the Perspective of Customer Perception Risk of SenSen GuangZhou

【作者】 李洁玉

【导师】 柴国荣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 2011年中国网络零售市场交易规模达8019亿元,网络购物用户规模达到2.03亿人。巨大的市场利益,迅猛增加的网络购物用户,吸引着众多企业纷纷试水网上销售,越来越多的企业从线下走到了线上。广州森视公司作为网购行业的新人,其网购业务存在着营业额低、退换货率高、顾客投诉率高等问题。在竞争激烈的市场环境下,分析网络消费者的行为,站在顾客的角度去考虑购物平台、商家交易、售后服务等方面的实际情况可以提高公司的服务质量和业绩水平,增强企业的竞争能力。基于以上研究背景,本文在对相关理论进行梳理的基础上,首先阐述了网上购物理论、消费者行为理论和感知风险理论及其相关知识,其次陈述了广州森视公司网购业务的现状,包括公司背景、运营模式、营业数据等。然后结合理论重点对公司2011年-2012年网购业务的营业数据进行了分析。在对现状分析之后提出了广州森视公司网购业务中主要存在的网站浏览量低、目标营业额完成率低、订单转化率低、线上交易率低、线上支付率低、退换货率高、顾客投诉率高等问题。根据存在的问题,应用消费者行为论和感知风险理论提出了重新进行目标顾客定位、对目标顾客进行感知风险分析、重新确定网络销售商品的选择原则、改造网购平台、完善售后服务等优化思路。并从顾客感知风险的角度,以降低顾客感知风险为前提对各项优化思路提出优化建议。最后提出了方案的改进与完善以及方案实施中风险的规避,方案实施中风险的规避主要从技术风险、资金风险、法律风险、信誉风险这四方面来进行论述。目前B2C电子商务市场竞争激烈,而森森公司目前的经营状况较差,与业界同类购物网站的平均业绩相差甚远,公司存在着生存危机。本论文对广州森视公司的网购业务的现状进行深入分析和研究,从顾客感知风险这个视角剖析当今消费者网络购物的行为和心理,从而根据消费者的喜好,对公司的网购业务进行优化和改造,提升公司的竞争能力,使公司能在激烈的市场竞争环境下继续生存下去。

【Abstract】 In2011China’s online retail market transactions reached801.9billion yuan, online shopping users reached203million people. Huge profits in the market, the rapid increase in online shopping users, attracts many enterprises tested online sales, more and more enterprises come online. Guangzhou Sensen, as the new personality in online shopping industry, his online shopping business have many problems like low turnover,high return rate and high customer complaints. Analysis of the network behavior of consumers in a competitive market environment, and to stand in the customer’s point of view to consider the actual situation of the shopping platform, businesses trading, service and other aspects of the company can improve the quality of service and performance levels, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.Based on the above background, this article is to sort out the basis of the relevant theory, first expounded the theory of online shopping, the theory of consumer behavior and perceived risk theory and related knowledge, Guangzhou Sensen, as second section describes the status of the online shopping business, including Company background, business model, business data, and so on. Then combine theoretical focus of the company in2011-2012online shopping business turnover data analysis. Analysis of the status, Guangzhou Sensen, as the online shopping business major low website traffic, target turnover completed low order conversion rate is low, low online transactions, low online payment rate, return rates high, high rate of customer complaints and other issues. According to the existing problems, the application of consumer behavior theory and the theory of perceived risk target customers re-positioning, target customer perception risk analysis, re-determine the choice of network sales of goods principle and transform the online shopping platform, improve the after-sales service optimization ideas. From the perspective customer Perceived risk and reduce consumers’ perceived risk as a precondition the various optimization ideas proposed optimization recommendations. Finally, the program improvement and perfection, as well as the implementation of the program in risk averse, program implementation risk circumvention technology risk, liquidity risk, legal risk, reputation risk in four areas to be discussed.The B2C e-commerce market is competitive, and the position of SenSen is poor, and a far cry from the average performance, the company exist a crisis of survival. In-depth analysis and research papers on the Current Situation of Guangzhou Sen, as the company’s online shopping business, today’s consumer online shopping behavior and psychological profiling perceived risk from the customer perspective, according to consumer preferences, the company’s online shopping business optimization and transformation, and to enhance the competitiveness of the company, the company can continue to survive in the fierce market competition environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F724.6
  • 【下载频次】79