

The Interventional Research of Social Work in the Service of Community Home-based Care for the Aged

【作者】 李明月

【导师】 王俊敏;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 社会工作(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国老龄化步伐的加快,家庭照料功能渐渐弱化,同时养老机构的质量和数量远远满足不了中国的老龄化需求,居家养老服务模式就应运而生。然而由于我国居家养老事业还处于初始阶段,存在相关法律和制度不完善、可利用资源有限、服务人员素质较低、居家养老服务供应有限且不到位、总体发展水平不高等各种问题,影响了我国居家养老事业的发展。本文试图通过以社会工作的理念和专业方法介入居家养老服务,解决和改善现有模式的许多问题。社会工作以“助人自助”为理念,社会工作的专业知识、技能和方法,可以提高社区居家养老服务的专业化服务水平,增加服务对象的满意度。本文以G市H社区老人作为研究对象,采用问卷和访问的资料收集方法,通过对社区老年人现状与居家养老服务状况的了解,分析社会工作在社区居家养老服务中取得的成绩与存在的不足,运用社会工作方法制定出相应的社区居家养老服务的个案、小组和社区活动方案,逐步完善居家养老服务的内容和方式,使社区居家养老服务更加科学化和专业化。同时通过对社工介入居家养老服务的分析和反思,对社工介入居家养老服务提出更具针对性的改进对策和建议

【Abstract】 With the accelerated development of China’s aging of population, the function offamily care has gradually weakened. But at the same time the quality and quantity of thepension agency far failed to meet the needs of China’s aging, thus the model of home carepension comes into being. However, because China’s home-based care is still in the initialstage, it is impeded by many problems such as the imperfect system of rule and law,limited available resources, lower quality of the staff, poor service and low-leveldevelopment of home care. This paper attempts to solve these problems and improve theexisting mode of home care service by introducing the concept of social work andprofessional approach. Social work takes the idea of "helping people to help themselves"as its main concept and uses professional knowledge and skills of home-based care toimprove the level of community service and increase client satisfaction.This paper takes H Community in G city as the object of study, analyzes theachievements and shortcomings of social work in the home-based care service ofcommunity and formulates corresponding plans on the basis of knowing the presentsituation of the elder people and the home-based service for them. By enriching the contentand ways of this activity, we can make the community-based home care service morescientific and specialized.. At the same time it analyzes and contemplates the socialworkers’ role in home-based care service, and puts forward some recommend--ations tosolve the existing problems of home-based care services

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D669.6;C916
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】847
  • 攻读期成果