

Kunshan Model of Cultivating Social Organizations

【作者】 杨玉

【导师】 高峰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 社会工作(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着服务型政府理念的提出,特别是社会管理创新成为政府、社会各方面关注焦点,社会组织数量迅速增加。“政社合作”的加深一方面转移了政府部分公共服务职能,另一方面为社会组织带来了发展的契机——以服务项目促其发展。其中一些较为成熟,资源较丰富的社会组织即支持型社会组织或社会组织孵化器发挥培育其他新兴社会组织功能,以期提高这些刚兴起的社会组织的自我发展能力。通常情况下,这些由政府、高校以及社会三方面力量发起的支持型社会组织,目前在我国正处于学习探索符合本地实情的阶段,不断摸索出适合本土需要的培育经验。但是这类发展中的支持型社会组织往往面临着社工、财务专业能力低,机构标准化建立不完善,资金短缺,受传统运作管理观念限制,产生资源依赖以及组织成员积极性难以保持等方面问题的困扰。作为一家支持型社会组织,昆山市爱德社会组织培育中心(以下简称“中心”)为入驻组织提供筹建指导、人才培训、资金帮助、规范化管理等方面的服务和支持,解决其在成长发展过程中遇到的问题。本文主要围绕“中心”的培育经验以及面临的内外困境进行分析,并结合笔者的亲身实习观察略谈解决“中心”问题的对策建议,以期对类似支持型社会组织的发展有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Social organizations are developing rapidly with the concept of service-orientedgovernment, especially the innovation of social management becomes the focus of thegovernment and social concerning. The deepening Government-Society Cooperation notonly transfers the partial function of public service but also brings opportunities for thedevelopment of social organizations even social services. Some NGO supportingorganizations that are highly developed and resourceful give play to cultivating otheremerging social organization to improve their self-development ability.Generally speaking, these NGO supporting organizations which are sponsored bygovernment, universities and social forces are in the stage of exploration to summarizecultivating experience. However, they have to face all kinds of difficulties, such as the lowprofessional competence of social work and financial affairs, lacking of agency standard,fund shortage and so on.Kunshan NGO development center of Amity is a supporting organization. The centerprovides guidance for construction, professional training, financial assistance and otherservice and support for settled organizations. This paper analyzes cultivating experienceand dilemma of center to put forward the countermeasure and suggestion. And it will bemeaningful for future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期