

【作者】 王岩岗

【导师】 朱艳琴;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 计算机技术(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济社会发展,社会治安形势日趋复杂,各类不安定因素也呈现井喷态势,公安机关维护社会治安稳定的任务越来越繁重。为进一步提升动态条件下防范打击犯罪、控制社会治安的能力,做到快速指令处警,及时妥善处置路面突发性案件,有效维护社会政治稳定和治安平稳,提升人民群众的安全感和满意度,全国各地的公安系统,均积极开展了扁平化指挥调度机制的研究。本文在分析传统移动警务模式的基础上,针对目前接处警指挥调度的现实需求,设计了一种应用移动警务的接处警业务流程。对接处警的节点数据、接处警数据进行了全程记载;利用定位技术实现了灵活调度及警情定位;对警员状态进行了分类管理,确保指挥调度的有效性;利用Webservice及数据库技术对数据进行保护,保证了重要数据的高安全性;引入Radius及网闸等软硬件技术保障系统可靠性。最后,对系统进行了应用测试与分析。本文为探索调度指挥和移动警务的结合模式提供了一个切实有效的通用框架,打通了移动警务与指挥调度平台之间的各类数据交换通道,给出了切合实际需求的应用的模型,为解决移动调度指挥体系的各类问题,做出了有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with economic and social development, social law and order situation isbecoming increasingly complex, all kinds of unrest also showed blowout situation, thepublic security organs to maintain social order and stability is increasingly oneroustask.Further enhance the dynamic conditions to prevent the fight against crime, the ability tocontrol social order, do a quick command Alarming promptly and properly dispose of thecases of sudden road, effectively maintain social and political stability and smooth order toenhance the people’s sense of security and satisfaction,public security system around thecountry are actively carried out the the flatten command scheduling mechanism.On the basis of analysis of traditional mobile policing model Alarming command anddispatch the practical needs, design the business processes of an application of mobile policeresponse alarm. Docking node Alarming data, Alarming data full records; positioningtechnology to achieve flexible scheduling and police intelligence positioning; against thepolice state, category management, to ensure the validity of the Command and Control;WebService and database data protection to ensure that the important data security;introduction of Radius and network gateway hardware and software technical supportsystem reliability. Finally, the system application testing and analysis.An effective common framework for exploring the binding mode of dispatch andcommand and mobile police opened up all kinds of data exchange channel between themobile police command and dispatch platform, gives a realistic demand model,, made agood attempt to solve the various problems of the mobile dispatching system.

【关键词】 移动警务指挥调度接处警
【Key words】 Mobile policeCommand and ControlAlarming
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期