

Study on the Current Status of Suzhou S&T Innovative Talents under the Background of Internationalization

【作者】 谭卫忠

【导师】 曹健;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,在世界经济一体化的进程中,一个国家的发展迅速与否,归根到底取决于人才的贡献度。建设创新型国家的关键是人才,尤其科技创新人才是国家发展的重要战略资源,是技术创新的核心力量。科技创新人才的数量和质量在国际竞争中具有举足轻重的地位。科技创新人才是人才队伍中具有研发能力和创新作用的特殊群体,科技进步在很大程度上取决于其数量和质量,近年来逐步受到各国高度重视。作为中国经济发达地区之一的苏州,近年来科技工作取得了显著成效,科技综合实力不断增强,总体上已在江苏省及至全国处于领先地位。伴随着苏州科技事业的蓬勃发展,苏州科技创新人才队伍不断成长和壮大,逐步形成了一支高水平、多层次的创新人才队伍,为苏州的可持续发展提供了新的动力和必要的智力支持。本文首先对科技创新人才的内涵及特点进行了简要的概述。科技创新人才是具有强烈探知欲与扎实的科学知识和技能,坚持企业家精神,根据前沿动态与现实需要,运用科学的创新思维进行创造性劳动,在科学技术的创造、传播、应用和发展中做出积极贡献的人。科技创新人才具有探索性与创造性、个体性与协作性、社会性与时代性等特点。接下来,本文就国际化背景下的苏州科技创新人才现状做出分析。近年来,苏州科技创新人才的数量不断增加,质量不断提升,创新能力不断增强。苏州的创新平台建设成果显著,人才政策吸引力强,企业在科技创新人才队伍建设中发挥主体作用。最后,本文阐述了苏州科技创新人才建设中存在的问题,并分析了影响苏州科技创新人才队伍建设的因素,提出了苏州科技创新人才队伍建设的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 At present, in the process of economic integration in the world, the rapiddevelopment of a country or not, ultimately depends on the contribution of talent. Talentis the key of building an innovation-oriented country, particularly technologicalinnovative talents are important strategic resources for national development and the coreforce of technological innovation. The quantity and quality of S&T innovative talents has akey position in international competition.S&T innovative talent is a special group with R&D capabilities and the role ofinnovation among talent team. Scientific and technological progress depends in largemeasure on their quantity and quality, which is progressively received high attention byevery country in recent years. As for Suzhou, one of China’s economically developedareas, great achievements have been made in science and technology in recent years. Theoverall strength of science and technology is continuously increasing which on the whole,is the leader in Jiangsu Province, even in the country. Accompanied by the vigorousdevelopment of the science and technology of Suzhou, its science and technologyinnovation team continues to grow, gradually forming a team of high level andmulti-level innovative talents, which provides Suzhou a new impetus to sustainabledevelopment and the necessary intellectual support.First, this article provides a brief explanation on the connotation and characteristicsof S&T Innovative Talent. S&T innovative talents are the classified persons who bearstrong discovery desire and solid scientific knowledge and skills, adhere toentrepreneurship, carry out creative work with scientific creative thinking according tothe frontier status and the actual needs, make a positive contribution in the creation,dissemination, application and development of science and technology. S&T innovative talents bear some characteristics such as exploration and creativity, individuality andcollaboration,feature of society and era,and so on.Next, this article analyzes the present situation of Suzhou S&T innovative talentsunder the background of internationalization. In recent years, the quantity of Suzhou S&Tinnovative talents is increasing and at the time its quality is upgrading. Innovation capacitykeeps growing. The construction of Suzhou innovation platform has obtained remarkableachievements. The policies on talent show strong attraction. Enterprises play a main role inconstruction of S&T innovative talents team.Finally, the article describes problems existing in the construction of innovativetalents of science and technology of Suzhou, and analyzes the negative factorsinfluencing the construction of S&T innovative talents team, proposes somecountermeasures and suggestions on the construction of S&T innovative talents team.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期