

Research on the Supermarket Agri-products Quality Management Based on the Supply Chain Management

【作者】 孟咏文

【导师】 陈铭;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国农产品质量安全的现状不容乐观,有关农产品质量安全的事件不时发生,威胁到消费者的健康与安全。随着经济的发展与消费者可支配收入的提高,以及消费者对农产品质量的日益重视,连锁超市成为我国农产品销售的主力军之一。有关超市农产品质量管理的研究日益显示出其重要性。同时,随着对于农产品供应链管理研究的深入,农产品供应链管理带来的益处,尤其是其对整个供应链上农产品质量保障的作用已得到从研究者至农业管理者的普遍认同。本文即从超市农产品供应链管理、客户关系管理以及供应链环境下农产品质量的信息经济学分析和管理学研究四大支撑理论出发,通过对超市农产品消费模式、苏州市超市农产品供应链现状以及农产品质量现状的分析,以苏州地区消费者为调查样本,使用问卷调查等形式,对苏州市超市农产品供应链终端满意度调查和苏州市超市农产品购买行为调查进行实证分析,建立了个体消费者超市农产品购买整体满意度模型,并分析了消费者自身因素与其对农产品质量认知及行为的相关性关系,从而揭示了供应链环境下超市农产品质量管理的现存问题,并利用SWOT分析模型和战略选择方法提出了超市农产品质量管理的优化对策,最后以常熟市常客隆超市农产品供应链质量管理为典型案例,进一步深化了农产品质量管理的细节研究。

【Abstract】 At present, the current situation of the quality and safety of agricultural products(agri-products) in our country is not optimistic. The events related to the agri-products’quality occured from time to time and threatened consumers’ health and safety. With thedevelopment of national economy and the improvement of consumer disposable income,consumers pay more attention to the quality of agri-products, the supermarket has becomeone of the major driving forces in the domestic retail industry. Research on thesupermarket agri-products quality management is increasingly showing its importance.Meanwhile, with the in-depth research into the supply chain management of theagri-products, the great benefits brought by the supply chain management of theagri-products, especially its role in guaranteeing the agri-products quality in the entiresupply chain, have been widely acknowledged by the researchers and the agriculturalmanagers. Based on the four supporting theories, including the Supply Chain Managementof the Supermarket Agri-products, the Customer Relationship Management, theAgri-products Quality Management and the Information Economic Analysis ofAgri-Products Quality under Supply Chain Environment, this paper first conducts ananalysis of the consumption patterns of the supermarket agri-products, the presentconditions of the supermarket agri-products supply chain in Suzhou and the presentsituation of the agri-products quality. It then launches two investigations which are thesatisfaction of supermarket agri-products supply chain in Suzhou and the behavior ofpurchasing agri-products in supermarkets by questionnaire, and establishes the factorsmodel of overall satisfaction about individual consumers purchase and the correlationbetween consumer’s own factor and the cognition and behavior of agri-products’ quality.After that, it analyzes the existing problems in the supermarket agri-products qualitymanagement under the supply chain and proposes the optimization strategy for the supermarket agri-products management by making use of the SWOT analysis model andthe strategic selection method. Finally, with the agri-products quality management in theChang Ke Long supermarket of Changshu in Jiangsu Province as the typical case, it furtherdeepens the detailed research into the agri-products quality management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F323.7;F274
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】670
  • 攻读期成果