

Administrative Law Positioning on the Management of College Students in China

【作者】 李奕东

【导师】 黄学贤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着法治文明精神的深入传播,权利意识深入人心,不少高校莘莘学子将自己的母校告上法院,与母校对簿公堂,这不仅体现了高校学生维权意识的增强,同时还反映了高校学生管理制度存在着不可忽视的问题。笔者通过了解相关案例,研读大量的文献,从高校的法律地位入手,通过分析比较不同法系的高校法律性质研究,结合我国高校的职能内容,从行政法的角度为我国高等院校的法律性质大胆设想定位,并就构建和谐的高校学生行政法律关系提出自己的浅见。文章第一部分分析我国高校法律定位的现状,第二部分从我国高校学生管理权的特征、内容和性质入手,分析高校学生管理的行政法内容;第三部分确立我国高校“公务法人”的法律性质,并就“公务法人”定位需要注意的几个问题进行分析;第四部分从“公务法人”的法律定位探索我国高校和谐校园的建设。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the further spread of the rule of law and the spirit of civilization,rights awareness enjoys popular support, many students of colleges and universities reporttheir alma mater on the court, which not only reflects the enhanced awareness of theuniversity student activist, also reflects college Student Management System can not beignored. The author through the understanding of the relevant case study of a large body ofliterature, starting from the legal status of colleges and universities, combined with thefunctions of our colleges and universities content analysis,comparing different legalsystems of the university legal nature of the legal nature of the institution. From the pointof view of administrative law the legal nature of the institution of higher learning is a boldvision to locate. Finally, to build a harmonious relationship between colleges and students,I present my humble opinions. The first part of the thesis analyzes the status quo of theuniversity legal position, The second part of the thesis analyzes the administrative lawcontent of management of college students through from the content and features of themanagement of college students, The third part of the thesis establish the legal nature ofthe Public Agency in China, the last part of the thesis tries to explore the construction ofChina’s Harmonious Campus from the legal position of the “public corporation”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】207