

The Remote Monitoring System in the Computer Room Based on Embedded Ethernet

【作者】 王浩

【导师】 陈建明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 计算机技术(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 机房远程监控系统是机房监管的重要方式之一,能让本地PC机通过互联网,对远端机房的环境和设备进行监视和控制。目前,机房远程监控系统大多以PC机为处理核心,通过工业总线指示监控终端执行相关操作,存在能耗大、硬件成本高等问题。而且,嵌入式以太网技术已在工控领域成熟应用,为研发嵌入式以太网机房监控系统提供新的契机。苏大嵌入式实验室受飞思卡尔公司所托,对基于Cortex-M4内核的K60芯片的应用进行深入的研究。鉴于上述因素,本文提出了一种基于K60以太网,具备环境采集、图像采集、异常告警、自动化控制等功能的机房远程监控系统设计方案。深入研究K60的工作机制,并分析机房监控系统的功能需求,依据嵌入式硬件构件开发思想,设计出既满足实际功能需求又预留可扩展性接口的硬件系统电路。针对机房的环境特性,完成AD采集电路、图像采集电路、GSM电路、SDHC电路和以太网电路等模块的电气隔离和抗电磁干扰设计。本文按照软件工程结构化设计理念,将软件体系分为面向硬件的驱动程序、负责通信功能的TCP/IP协议栈和具有人机交互功能的Web服务器程序三层。按照软件构件化的开发思想,完成了各功能模块的构件化设计,提高了程序的可重用性和可维护性。针对数据在TCP/IP协议栈传输占用CPU的问题,本系统使用了“零拷贝”技术,实现了数据在各层传输零复制;为了节约硬件资源,根据实际需求对协议栈进行精简设计;重点叙述了Web服务器的编程要点,编写了CGI程序,完成嵌入式动态网页设计,解决无操作系统下实现人机交互的难题。本系统在实验室局域网内布置试运行,基本实现机房的环境采集、图像监控和异常告警功能。实验结果表明,系统具有良好的稳定性,进过必要测试验证后,可应用机房监控领域。

【Abstract】 The remote monitoring system in the computer room is one of the important ways tocomputer room supervision,allowing the local PC to realize the monitoring and control ofthe environment and equipment in the remote computer room via internet. At present, mostof the remote monitoring systems in the computer room consider PC as the processing core;indicate the monitoring terminal to perform relative operations. However, this kind ofmodel is inherent with the problems of high energy consumption and high hardware costand so on. Moreover, the embedded Ethernet technology has been masterfully andskillfully applied in the field of IPC, which provides a valuable opportunity for theresearch and development of the embedded Ethernet monitoring system in computer rooms.Meanwhile, entrusted by the Freescale Company, the embedded laboratory in SoochowUniversity has conducted an in-depth research into the application of K60. In terms of theabove-mentioned elements, the study proposes a design based on K60for remotemonitoring system in the computer room which integrates the functions of environmentalacquisition, image acquisition, abnormal alarm, automatic control etc.Based on the extensive research on the working mechanism of K60, a detailedanalysis of the functional requirements of the monitoring system in the computer room andthe concept of embedded hardware component development, the paper designs thehardware system circuit that both meet the need of actual function and to reserve scalableinterface. In response to the environmental characteristics of the computer room, the papercompletes the design for electrical isolation and anti-electromagnetic interference ofmodules as AD acquisition circuit, image acquisition circuit, GSM circuit, the SDHCcircuit and Ethernet circuit etc.According to the concept of structured design in software engineering, the paperdivides the software system into three-layer system which consists of hardware-oriented driving program, TCP/IP protocol stacks responsible for communicational functions andWeb server programs complete with face-to-face interaction functions. According to thedeveloping concept of component-based software, the paper finishes the component designfor all function modules, so as to improve the repeatability and maintainability of theprogram. As for the problem of the data’s CUP occupation in transmitting data in TCP/IPstacks, this system adopts the technology of ’zero copy’ which realizes the zero copy ofdata transmitting in each stack. In order to save hardware resource, the paper makes simpledesign for protocol stacks on the basis of realistic requirements. The paper stresses the keyprogramming points of Web server, writes CGI programs, finishes the design for embeddeddynastic webpage; and solves the problems of face-to-face interaction without an operatingsystem.The system is arranged to undergo the test run in the LAN of the laboratory, andbasically realizes the functions of environmental acquisition, image monitoring andabnormal alarm in the environment of computer room. The experiments’ results show thatthis system is equipped with good stability and can be applied to the area of computerroom’s monitoring after necessary test and validation.

【关键词】 监控系统图像ADTCP/IPWeb服务器
【Key words】 Monitoring SystemImageADTCP/IPWeb server
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期