

Application Research of Modular Production in VS Suzhou Factory

【作者】 徐吉

【导师】 赵建新;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的不断发展,消费者不再仅仅考虑产品的成本和质量,对多样化和个性化的追求成为一种趋势。因此,企业仅仅依靠一种或几种物美价廉的产品很难在瞬息万变的市场中保持持续的竞争优势。传统生产方式的弊端促使企业不断寻求既能够快速应对市场多样化、个性化的需求,又能够低成本为客户提供定制产品的一种新的生产方式。在这种背景下,模块化生产方式应运而生。被誉为第三次产业革命的模块化生产方式已广泛地运用到各个制造领域并且效果明显,在客户定制式设备制造企业中的优势尤为突出:能快速针对客户的需求,生产出其满意的产品;能减少产品物料的种类,降低库存及采购成本;能大大改善交货期,提高客户满意度;能提高产品质量,易于维修更换。本文通过概述多种生产方式的起源和发展,从20世纪初的大规模生产方式到80年代盛行的精益生产方式,再发展至如今新兴的模块化生产方式。结合客户定制业务模式对模块化生产方式的需求和模块化生产方式运用在客户定制业务模式的优点,以VS公司苏州工厂为实例研究个体,展开模块化生产在客户定制式设备制造企业中的应用研究。通过VS苏州工厂这四大块:工程部门对产品的合理分解和模块优化整合;供应链管理部门对供应商的能力分析和合理分配模块;质量部门定义模块化物料的进料质量检验体系核心及生产部门结合精益概念的整体生产线规划,深入地介绍了模块化生产方式在VS苏州工厂的实际应用情况。同时,提出VS苏州工厂在实际生产运营过程中遇到的问题:组模的合理性;供应商的模组化适应能力及备料情况;质量控制的难度及生产的资源配置及效率问题,给出相应的解决方案和今后可以改进的一些观点。笔者希望通过对实例应用情况的深入剖析和所遇到问题的探讨,给更多的研究学者提供一份借鉴和研究的资料,也希望能丰富模块化理论的研究成果,为模块化生产方式继续优化发展做出一份贡献。

【Abstract】 With the sustaining development of economy, it is a trend that customers are not onlycare the price and quality of their favorite goods, but also the diversification andindividuation need to consider before they make the decision to finalize. Therefore it ishard for enterprise to maintain the competitive advantage at this quickly changing market,if there is only one or few high quality and inexpensive products. The enterprise has tosearch one kind of new production mode in order to approach more and more diversifiedand individual demands from the customers because the disadvantage of the traditionalproduction mode is raised increasingly. In this background, the new mode namedmodularized production mode appeared.As the third industrial revolution, the modularized production mode has been utilizedinto lots of manufacture fields. Most of them achieved very nice performance, especially atthose customized equipment manufacturing enterprises. The new products could besuccessfully launched in a short time base on customers’ demands. Because of thereduction from the stocked material, the relevant inventory and purchasing cost could bedeclined also. Customers will be very satisfied with the improved lead time as well as thehigh quality. At last but not least, it is easy for repair for after sales service on modularizedproducts.This article overviewed the origin and the development on several kinds of productionmodes. The mass production was arisen at the beginning of20century A.D. and the leanmanufacture concept was appeared at1980s. Nowadays, the new modularized productionmode is changing the traditional operation philosophy. Combined with the customizedbusiness mode and modularized production mode, it presents the interaction and relevancebetween them. Taking the VS Suzhou plant as a case, the writer deeply researched its dailymodularized operation situation to further proof the academic application. The whole presentation included four aspects. Firstly, Engineering department needsto rationally breakdown all the parts then combines them into the modules. Secondly,Supplier Chain Management department should do the general capacity analysis on thevendors then select appropriate ones to fit the module supply. Thirdly, Quality departmentdefines the key points on the module kit at the incoming inspection. Fourthly, Productiondepartment set up the module assembly manufacture line with lean production concept.Then writer mentioned several issues which were encountered at actual operation of VSSuzhou plant. There are the rationality of parts combination and supplier adaptability onmodule offering and the difficulty on quality control and the production efficiency. Finallywriter brought out the solutions for these mentioned issues and shared some suggestion infuture further improvement.Through the deep analysis on actual modularized operation situation and overalldiscussion on encountered issues, the writer sincerely expected this article could providethe research value or case reference for the scholars and also hope it could not only enrichthe modular theories, but also provide the practical contribution for promoting thedevelopment of module manufacturing industry.

【关键词】 模块化客户定制式多样化个性化
【Key words】 ModularizationCustomizationDiversificationIndividuation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期