

Research on Zhuxi Poetry Society

【作者】 孙玉婷

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 竹溪诗社是清代乾隆年间吴江同里的一个文学社团,集中了当时以袁景辂为代表的一批才华卓著的吴江诗人。这批诗人大多出于吴江望族,有着深厚的诗学根底。他们与乾隆诗坛巨擘沈德潜保持着亦师亦友的密切关系,且用频繁的社集活动践行着沈德潜“格调说”的诗学主张。他们还通过编纂《国朝松陵诗征》,为吴江一邑的诗学建设做出了巨大的贡献。因此,研究竹溪诗社,对了解此期江南地域性文学社团的特点以及江南基层文人的生存面貌颇具意义。本文以社员别集为基础,采用考述结合的方法,以期还原竹溪诗社的本真面貌,文章具体内容如下:第一章为竹溪诗社结社地域背景概述。通过论述吴江同里的自然、经济、文化环境优势,阐明竹溪诗社结社的地域背景。第二章为竹溪诗社考。本章对竹溪诗社的社名由来、诗社成员、社员家族情况以及社员与沈德潜的师友关系进行考证,通过相关文献的梳理,还原这一诗人群体的基本面貌。第三章为竹溪诗社雅集活动及雅集诗歌创作。本章主要对竹溪诗社的结社情况进行考述,从普遍性和特殊性两个视角展现诗社的社集活动,并且分析其雅集诗歌创作,突出社事活动对诗人才情的激发。第四章为竹溪诗社的诗学成就。本章对竹溪诗社的群体诗学思想、群体诗歌创作以及诗社中的杰出者进行论述,全面展现竹溪诗人群体自觉的诗学建设意识以及卓著的诗歌创作成就。第五章为竹溪诗社与《国朝松陵诗征》。本章主要通过对吴江重要诗歌总集《国朝松陵诗征》的论述,展现竹溪诗社对吴江诗学建设做出的杰出贡献。第六章为竹溪诗社与续竹溪诗社。通过论述续竹溪诗社对竹溪诗社的承继与革新,探讨时代变化下两辈竹溪诗人的同与不同,继而更为清晰的认识竹溪诗社的历时“衍生性”。

【Abstract】 Zhuxi Poetry Society is a literary society activitied in Tongli Wujiang duringQianlong years of Qing dynasty, it includes a number of outstanding poets represented byYuan Jinglu most of whom are from famous families and have profound poetic foundation.They also keep close relationship with Shen Deqian who is the giant poet in Qianlongyears of Qing dynasty and they also practice “the theroy of the pattern school” by theirsociety activities.The members of Zhuxi Poetry Society compile “Songling PoetryCollection in Qing Dynasty” and make a great contribution to the poetics construction ofWujiang.So the research on Zhuxi Poetry Society is of great importance to finding out thefeature of regional literature societies and understanding the living states of Jiangnangrass-roots poets in Qing dynasty.This paper is based on the anthologies of the members and adopts the method oftextual research and analysis for the hope of reviving the true features of the society. Thepaper’s contents are as follows:The first chapter, the geographical background overview for the association of ZhuxiPoetry Society.By discussing the natural, economic, cultural and environmentaladvantages of Tongli Wujiang,we can clarify the geographical background of ZhuxiPoetry Society.The second chapter, Zhuxi Poetry Society research.This chapter is focus on the nameof the society,the members of the society, the families of the members and the relationshipbetween the members and Shen Deqian for the hope of reviving the basic features of thesociety.The third chapter, the activities and aristo poetry writing of Zhuxi Poetry Society.Thischapter is focus on the activities of the society from general and particularperspectives.The chapter also analyze its aristo poetry writing to show the talents of themembers stimulated by the activities.The forth chapter, the poetic achievements of Zhuxi Poetry Society. This chapteranalyze the poetics,poetry writing and distinguished persons of the society to fully showthe poetic consciousness and outstanding achievements of the members.The fifth chapter, Zhuxi Poetry Society and “Songling Poetry Collection in QingDynasty”. By expounding the “Songling Poetry Collection in Qing Dynasty” which is aimportant poetry collection of Wujiang, this chapter want to show the outstandingcontribution Zhuxi Poetry Society has made to the Wujiang poetry history.The sixth chapter, Zhuxi Poetry Society and Continued Zhuxi Poetry Society. This chapter discuss the inheritance and innovation between the two societies.By this discussion,we can have a clearer understanding of the “derivative” of Zhuxi Poetry Society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期