

Research to the Concept of City Designing during Han Dynasties and the Three Kingdoms Period through Han and Jin Capital Ode

【作者】 祝嘉

【导师】 张朋川;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 环境艺术设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 汉晋都城赋包含了两汉三国时期城市建设的大量信息,这些信息揭示了当时的政治文化背景以及在其影响下的选址观念、都城规划思想等理念性问题。为研究这一时期内的城市设计、规划、营建提供了宝贵的材料。所以本文从汉晋的都城赋出发,试图在文本中找到城市建设的蓝本。两汉三国时期是中国城市变革发展的重要阶段,在这一时期内城市的设计思想不断变化,营国制度也在继承中发展。革新成为这一时期内城市发展的主流。将都城赋的描述与城市遗迹进行整理,从中梳理出城市发展的脉络与营国制度变革之间的关系。本课题以学科交叉的新视角来解读两汉至三国时期的城市变革。纵线上时间的推移和横线上空间的变化,从一纵一横的两条主线中理清城市设计发展的思路。为两汉三国时期的城市研究开辟了一条全新的路径。

【Abstract】 Han and Jin Capital Ode provide massive information about city construction ofWestern Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Three Kingdoms period whichproclaims the political and cultural background and other related concepts of choosinglocation and designing city influenced by them. Readers can grasp precious information ofcapital design, blueprint planning and city construction during those periods. This paperwill focus on figuring out the blueprint of city construction by the study of the Han and JinCapital Ode.Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties, and the Three Kingdoms Period aresignificant in the innovation of city construction of China. During that time, the conceptabout city construction improved gradually, and the constructing system developed as well.Innovation of city development has already become a trend at that time. This paper aims tofigure out the relationship between the innovation of city development and the constructingsystem through the study of Han and Jin capital ode and the research on ancient cities.This paper will study innovations in city construction from Western Han and EasternHan Dynasties to the Three Kingdoms Period from a new perspective of inter-discipline.Figuring out the line of city development through two main references of time passing andspace changing will help to contribute to an entirely new way to study the citydevelopment during Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties and The Three Kingdomsperiod.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期