

Study on the Effect of Fixed Assets Investment on Regional Economic Disparities

【作者】 孔令帅

【导师】 丁言强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 西方经济学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 中国经济在改革开放30多年来一直保持着高速增长,创造了一个发展奇迹。但是在GDP不断增长的同时,区域经济差异也表现的越来越明显。山东省作为全国的经济大省,也存在着经济快速发展的同时区域经济差异不断加大的问题。因此,如何有效地解决山东省区域经济差异不断加大的问题,实现经济均衡协调发展,对山东省今后经济的持续、快速、健康发展有重要意义。在研究区域经济差异增大的对策之前,必须对引起区域经济差异的原因进行分析。投资,与消费、进出口贸易并称国民经济增长的三驾马车,对经济增长起着举足轻重的作用。作为投资中最为重要的固定资产投资,在对经济增长起着推动作用的同时,也成为区域经济差异加大的重要因素。本文利用泰尔指数法和基尼系数法对山东省区域经济差异进行定量分析和研究。由定量分析可以得到,30年来山东省整体的区域经济差异呈不断加大趋势,在东部地区和西部地区的区域内差异是不断变小的,但在东西部地区之间的区域间差异不断变大。区域内差异对基尼系数的贡献率较小且呈平稳的下降趋势,而区域间差异对基尼系数的贡献率较大且呈上升趋势。在对山东省的基尼系数、固定资产投资效率、投资增长速度进行单位根检验,确定最优滞后阶数后,构建向量自回归模型。通过对模型的回归,得出山东省东西部地区的固定资产投资效率差与基尼系数是负相关的;固定资产投资的增长速度差与基尼系数是正相关的。这说明,东西部地区的固定资产投资效率差加大使基尼系数减小,固定投资增长速度差加大使基尼系数增加。由以上的计量结论,可以进一步分析固定资产投资对区域经济差异的影响机制,并进一步提出相关的政策建议,指导山东省固定资产投资战略,实现经济均衡发展。

【Abstract】 China’s economic reform and opening up has maintained rapid growth for30years that has created a development miracle. At the same time with the rapid growth of GDP, difference in regional economic performances increasingly evident. Shandong Province as the country’s major economic province also has the problem of the rapid economic development and regional economic disparities continue to increase. Therefore, how to effectively solve the regional economic disparities of Shandong Province is important to achieve balanced economic coordinated development of sustained, rapid and healthy development of the future economy of Shandong Province.Prior to study regional economic disparities increase countermeasures we must analyze the reasons that cause regional economic differences. Investment, consumption, import and export trade and said the Troika of the national economic growth, economic growth and plays an important role. As the most important investment in fixed assets investment, at the same time play a role in promoting economic growth has also become an important factor in regional economic differences increase.In this paper, we use Theil index and Gini coefficient method for quantitative analysis and study of regional economic disparities in Shandong Province. As can be seen by our analysis, Shandong Province, eastern and western regions of the overall economic differences in the past30years was constantly increasing trend. The eastern and western regions of the differences within the region is becoming smaller, but the difference between the east and west regions is becoming bigger. Differences within the region of the contribution rate of the Gini coefficient is small and declining, while the inter-regional differences in the contribution rate of the Gini coefficient larger upward trend.After unit root testing the Gini coefficient, the efficiency of investment in fixed assets, investment growth rate and determining the optimal lag order, construct a vector auto regression model. From regressing model, draw the conclusion that the correlation fixed asset investment efficiency of eastern and western regions of Shandong Province and the Gini coefficients is negative correlation; positive correlation between the Gini coefficients for the growth rate of investment in fixed assets. This shows that the fixed assets investment of eastern and western regions in poor efficiency increase that the Gini coefficient reduce, fixed investment growth rate to increase so that the Gini coefficient increased.From the econometric analysis above, we can further analyze the mechanism of the impact of the investment in fixed assets of the regional economic disparities, and further make relevant policy recommendations, guidance Shandong Province, fixed asset investment strategy to achieve balanced economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F127;F224
  • 【下载频次】281