

The Study on New Visions of Archives Development in National Archives of Korea

【作者】 李珺瑶

【导师】 赵爱国;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 档案学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 档案因业务活动产生,视其价值而被保管于各单位的档案库房内;当达到保存期限时,再转移至适当的档案典藏机构中保存,继而被赋予法律、文化和研究等功用,令社会大众加以利用。因此,作为收集、整理、储存和提供档案利用的重要场所,档案保管单位以妥善保管档案、维护档案安全为主要目的,以拣选、保存与提供档案利用为主要任务,在社会体系中扮演着重要的角色,承担着保存人类文化遗产、维护历史原貌、开发档案资源、辅助政治规划、拓展经济运作、推广社会教育和开发娱乐资源等社会责任。一个国家档案事业的发展,不仅取决于综合国力和经济水平,其政府对文化工作的重视,对档案工作的关心和支持,同样起着十分关键的作用。韩国是一个历史悠久的文明国家,拥有《朝鲜王朝实录》,《训民正音》,《直指心体要节》,《承政院日记》,海印寺《高丽大藏经板》与《诸经板》,《华城城役仪轨》等六件世界级档案遗产。韩国政府关注档案工作,在国家记录院的建设和发展方面给予了巨大的人力物力投入。为了继承辉煌的档案传统,达到世界一流的档案管理水平,韩国国家记录院推进和政府业务管理系统相联的电子档案管理,收集国内主要民间档案资料,加强基础设施建设和档案教育,为国民提供了众多的咨询服务。院藏200万多卷档案资料,组建专题网上服务,提供网上阅览服务,开设记录文化学校,展览精品档案,使有需要的国民能够尽可能地接近档案。韩国国家记录院在档案管理工作方面取得的成功经验,能够引发中国档案研究领域就公共档案馆建设这一课题的启发性思考,体现在对档案管理人员专业职业素质和综合文化修养的关注、建立与百姓民生更加贴近的国家档案门户网站系统、在国际视觉下树立档案事业发展的长远目标以及设置合理配置有效资源的电子操控系统等具体问题上。笔者参加山东大学研究生国际交流计划,在韩国中央大学国际贸易事务学院做国际交流学生的半年期间,曾到坐落于韩国中央政府综合大楼内的国家记录院首尔档案信息中心参观,并查阅其所藏档案。本文概述了韩国国家记录院的历史沿革和发展历程,提出根据用户需求差异和未来蓝图规划而有针对性地改革和提供所需的档案信息资源,以期能够帮助我国公共档案馆建设更好得改善政府信息资源服务。首先,本文概述了韩国档案事业的基本发展情况和韩国国家记录院的历史沿革;其次,介绍了韩国国家记录院成为世界一流档案机构的发展前景及其与国际机构之间的交流合作:再次深入分析了韩国国家记录院管理全过程一体化的评价、保存、移交、应用系统;然后关注了韩国国家记录院引进和自主研发的各类先进的档案管理技术和手段;随后,从国家记录院的工作人员分析韩国图书资讯学的高校教育现状;最后联系国内外公共档案保存单位建设现状,从实际出发,结合韩国国家记录院的实际情况,对我国公共档案馆的发展前景和改革措施进行了小结和展望。

【Abstract】 Because of importance and value, since archives were produced they have been kept in the professional storeroom. When reaching the period, archives are transferred to the appropriate institutions and be saved, for use by the public in the field of law, culture and research.Therefore, that kind of storeroom for archives is to collect, collate, store and providing, and its purpose is to custody and maintenance them, to select, save and provide the use of archives is the main tasks.The modern record-keeping repository plays an important role in the social system, and bear the social responsibility to save the cultural heritage of mankind, maintain the historical appearance, develop of archival resources, auxiliary political planning, expand the operation of the economy, promote the social education and develop entertainment resources.The development of the national archives depends not only on its strength and the level of economic development, but the the concern and support by the government on cultural works and archives also play key roles. Korea has a longstanding tradition of record keeping as evident in the documentary heritage listed in the Memory of the World Register such as the Annals of Joseon Dynasty, Hunmin Jeongeum manuscript, Seungjeongwon Ilgi (the diaries of the royal secretariat), Buljo Jikji Simche Yojeol (the second volume of Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests), Printing woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana and miscellaneous Buddhist scriptures, and the Uigwe (the royal protocols of the Joseon Dynasty). The South Korean government attach importance to archival work, and provide enormous human resources and material investment to the National Archives of Korea. In a bid to build on the brilliant traditions of the past, we have been stepping up our training and consulting efforts and taking measures to enhance the archival infrastructure:the implementation of an electronic records management system working in line with the On-Nara business processing system, and the collection of private records within and outside the country. The National Archives of Korea aims at the service-oriented organization that provides the public with a variety of access to the archives accumulated and preserved. We build online content database by subjects using the archival resources over two million volumes. We also open regular cultural classes and hold special exhibitions of archives in order to familiarize the people with the National Archives and archival culture. The successful experience of the National Archives of Korea on management will lead to inspired thinking of the Public Archives building, reflected in the attention to the workers’ professional quality, national archives website which is closer to the public, the long-term development target which established in the international visual and electronic systems could allocate resources effectively.As an international student, I joined to the exchange program of Shandong University to study at the School of International Trade and Affairs in Chuang-Ang University of South Korea for six months. Then I visited the Seoul National Archives Information Center which situated in the the Korea Central Government Complex, and read the files. This article explains the history of National Archives of Korea, proposes the subject of utilization information resources according to user needs and plans for the future, to improve government information resources services of public archives in China. Firstly, the article summarized the basic development situation and history of National Archives of Korean; Secondly, it introduced the target to be a world-class archival institutions and exchanges between international agencies; Thirdly, it analysis the whole process of National Archives of Korean, including the systems of evaluation, preservation, transfer and application; Fourthly, it focused on technology and means about the management and service; Fifthly, the article discussed the archives higher education of Korea based on the analysis about staffs in National Archives of Korea; Finally, it combined construction situation at home and abroad with the actual situation of National Archives of Korea, and presented summary and outlook to the development future and reform measures of public archives in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G279.312.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】139
  • 攻读期成果