

Research on the Subject of the Use of Influence to Bribe-taking

【作者】 高婷

【导师】 冯殿美;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 贿赂犯罪是当今世界上存在最普遍的犯罪形式之一,它严重危害了正常的社会秩序,阻碍了社会的进步,是各国刑法乃至国际刑法重点打击的对象。近年来,我国对党的廉政建设予以高度重视,把狠抓、狠打腐败现象作为该项工作的重中之重。党和国家制定了多项政策和法规,不断加大打击腐败犯罪的力度,通过采取多项举措使党的反腐倡廉工作取得了重大进展和突破,但是在取得成就的同时也遇到了不少难以解决的棘手问题。比如,如今贿赂犯罪的形式不再同于以往的贿赂犯罪,主要表现为手段的新型化和隐蔽化。国家工作人员直接利用职权或者利用职权、地位形成的便利条件实施贿赂犯罪的现象越发减少,反而是国家工作人员的“身边人”实施的贿赂犯罪日益猖狂。他们利用自己对国家工作人员形成的影响力,为他人谋取不正当利益,从而实现一己私利。更有甚者,有些国家工作人员为逃避法律责任,矢口否认自己接受贿赂的事实,企图让其“身边人”做替罪羔羊。根据原有的法律规范,很难对上述新型贿赂犯罪进行规制,因此为了适应司法实践的需求,《刑法修正案(七)》增添了利用影响力受贿罪等新罪名。然而作为新出现的罪名,固然会引起司法界、学界的关注。其中讨论的最普遍的便是对本罪主体的争议以及疑惑,继而引发了探讨有关本罪主体立法不足的热潮。本文以《刑法修正案(七)》中的利用影响力受贿罪的增设为背景,在对本罪疑难主体做出解读的基础上,指出我国现有法律在有关本罪主体的规定上存在的不足,从而为完善本罪主体提出了些许建议。第一部分利用影响力受贿罪的概述。该部分简单介绍了利用影响力受贿罪的国内立法沿革和国际立法背景以及此罪的立法必要性。第二部分利用影响力受贿罪主体比较研究。该部分首先介绍了《联合国反腐败公约》对本罪主体的规定,然后分别是大陆法系国家和英美法系国家对本罪主体的规定,最后介绍了我国港澳地区在惩治本罪贿方面所做的规定。第三部分我国对本罪主体的规定和不足。该部分首先是简单介绍了我国对本罪主体的规定,然后着重对本罪的疑难主体进行解读:一是近亲属的范围;二是关系密切人;三是国家工作人员能否成为本罪的犯罪主体;四是犯罪主体共同犯罪的认定。其次指出了本罪主体的立法不足:一是部分主体概念模糊不够明确:二是本罪主体的身份限定过于严格;三是欠缺对单位利用影响力的规制。第四部分利用影响力受贿罪主体的立法完善和解释的明确性。具体做法如下:一是本罪主体的认定应当以“影响力”为本质;二是注重与《联合国反腐败公约》的衔接;三是借助相关法律解释明确“关系密切人”的概念;四是司法机关确立对“关系密切”的具体考察方法。第五部分结语,主要是对上述章节的内容进行简单的总结和概述。

【Abstract】 Bribery crime is very common in the whole world. It harms to normal social order and hinders social development severely, so it becomes the aim that many criminal laws even the international world fight against. Recently our country attaches much importance to anti-corruption construction and makes it the most important work. By various laws and regulations, our government strengthens the power to fight against corruption. There have great achievement and breakthrough in our anti-corruption work. However, we still have many difficulties to deal with. Nowadays, the forms of bribery crime are different from the old ones. They become new and hidden day by day. The rates of case, in which national officials use their authorities or take advantage of authority even status to commit bribery crime, declines gradually. Instead, bribery crimes committed by "the closely related" are rampant. They take advantage of the influence to the national officials to seek personal interest by helping others to get unfair interest. Furthermore, some national officials deny the fact of accepting bribes in order to avoid the punishment of the law and shirk legal responsibility by making "the closely related" scapegoat. It is very difficult to regulate the new forms according to the established laws and norms. So in order to meet the needs of judicial practices in reality,<Criminal Law Amendment (seven)> adds many new criminal charges including the use of influence to bribe-taking. However, as a new crime, it is natural to draw lots of attention from the judicial world and academicals. Especially the dispute and doubt about subjects of the crime between experts and scholars produces the upsurge to research the shortage in legislation. On the background of the addition to the crime, the thesis analyses subject of the crime, then finds out the shortages of clause and gives some suggestion to improve.The first part is the outline of the crime. The content includes domestic legislation of bribery by taking advantage of influence, international background and the necessity to enact it into the law.The second part is the comparison and analysis of the subject of the crime. Firstly, it introduces the provision in <United Nations Convention against Corruption>, and then the provision of other countries, including Civil Legal System and Common Legal System. The third is the provision in Hong Kong and Macao.The third part is the provision in our country and legislative shortage. It includes two parts:first, it introduces the five types of the subject, especially some subjects that difficult to judge:the first is range of close relatives; the second is "the closely related"; the third is whether national staffs can be the subject of the crime; the fourth is identification of united crime. Then is about the legislative shortages:the first is some concept lack clarity; the second is strict identity restriction; the third is lack of control to crimes committed by units.The fourth part is some suggestion to improve in legislation:the first is making "influence" as the essence of the crime; the second is connection the domestic law with <United Nations Convention against Corruption>; the third is introduction legal interpretation to make the concept clear; the fourth is establishing the means of investigate close relationship.The fifth part is conclusion. It is based on the analysis of the above four chapters, and then sums up the contents of other chapters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D924.392
  • 【下载频次】275