

The Research of Improve Administrative Case Guidance System in China

【作者】 尹健

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 早在2005年10月26同,最高人民法院发布了《人民法院第二个五年改革纲要(2005—2008)》,提出了50项改革任务和改革措施。其中在第13项中提出了“建立和完善案例指导制度,重视指导性案例在统一法律适用标准、指导下级法院审判工作、丰富和发展法学理论等方面的作用。最高人民法院制定关于案例指导制度的规范性文件,规定指导性案例的编选标准、编选程序、发布方式、指导规则等。”。这项规定开启了我国正式建立案例指导制度的征程。而这一征程中当然也包括行政案例指导制度。经过六年多的艰苦探索,当前我国的案例指导制度已经初见成效,而这一制度的建立具有十分深远的意义。但是,行政案例指导制度在我国建立的时间还尚短,这一制度本身还存在着完善的必要。因此,本论文希望能够对我国行政案例指导制度实行过程中存在的问题进行分析,并且为完善我国行政案例指导制度提出可行的建议。本文主要分为三个部分,一是行政案例指导制度的基础理论,二是我国行政案例指导制度的现状及其存在的问题,三是探讨完善我国行政案例指导制度的途径。在第一部分中,首先介绍一下行政案例指导制度的相关概念;在此基础上着重分析我国行政案例指导制度存在的基础及其所具有的价值。在第二部分,主要分析当前我国行政案例指导制度的现状及其存在的问题。在我国行政案例指导制度的现状方面,主要介绍了我国行政案例指导制度的发展历程以及现实状况。本论文认为,对我国行政案例指导制度现状的最佳描述是:我国已经初步建立了行政案例指导制度,但是这一制度还存在一些不甚健全的地方,需要进一步完善。关于我国行政案例指导制度所存在的问题,主要表现在三个方面:第一,指导性行政案例的法律效力不具体,因而导致指导性行政案例在司法实践中所能够发挥的作用十分有限。第二,指导性行政案例的法律地位不明确,关于指导性行政案例的法律地位不明确,最为核心的问题就是:指导性行政案例能否作为我Ⅲ行政法的渊源?第三,我国行政案例指导制度缺乏与其相适应的监督保障机制。在第三部分,主要根据本文中第二部分所分析的当的我国行政案例指导制度所存在的问题,探讨完善我国行政案例指导制度的途径。一是完善我国行政案例指导制度的选择、发布机制,其中当然包括完善我国指导性行政案例的选择标准、明确我国指导性行政案例的发布主体、明确我国指导性行政案例的发们方式以及完善我国指导性行政案例的制定程序;二是完善我国行政案例指导制度的实施监督保障机制,一是要完善行政诉讼法官的遴选机制和激励机制,二是要尝试构建我国指导性行政案例信息数据库。本论文希望能够通过上述儿种完善措施,来进一步完善我国的行政案例指导制度,使其能够充分发挥行政案例的指导作用,促进行政审判领域法律适用的统一、提高行政审判的水平。

【Abstract】 As early as October26,2005, the Supreme Court issued a "People’s Court of second five-year reform outline (2005-2008)",50reform tasks and reform measures.13"establish and improve case guidance system, the emphasis on the guiding case in the unified law applicable standard, to guide the lower court trial, enrich and develop the legal theory. Supreme People’s Court formulated on case guidance system normative documents and regulations the instructive case the selection and design standards, compile the program, publish, guidance rules."this requirement to open a case guidance system of the formal establishment of the journey. This journey, of course, also include the administrative case guidance system. After more than six years of painstaking study, the current case guidance system in China has achieved initial success, the establishment of this system has far-reaching significance. However, the time established by the administrative case guidance system in our country is still short, the system itself, there are still sound necessary. Therefore, the paper hopes to analyze the implementation of the problems in the process of China’s administrative case guidance system, and put forward practical recommendations to improve our administrative case guidance system.The paper is divided into three parts, one is the basic theory of the administrative case guidance system, the second is the present situation and existing problems of China’s administrative case guidance system is to explore ways to improve our administrative case guidance system. In the first part, the first about the concept of administrative case guidance system; analyzed based on the basis of China’s administrative case guidance system has value.In the second part, the analysis of the current status quo of China’s administrative case guidance system and its problems. In the status quo of China’s administrative case guidance system, mainly the course of development, and the realities of our administrative case guidance system. This paper argues that best describes the guidance system of the status quo of China’s administrative case:China has initially established the administrative case guidance system, but this system there are still some of the less healthy, need further improvement. About the problems that exist in China’s administrative case guidance system, mainly in three aspects:First, the legal effect of the guiding administrative case is not specific, resulting in very limited role in guiding administrative case to play in the judicial practice. Second, the legal status of the guiding administrative case is not clear, legal status is not clear on guiding administrative case, the most central issue:whether the guiding administrative cases can as the origins of Administrative Law in China? Third, China’s administrative case guidance system lacks safeguards its adapting mechanism.In the third part, based primarily on the analysis in the second part of this article, the current problems existing in China’s administrative case guidance system, to explore ways to improve our administrative case guidance system. One is to improve the choice of China’s administrative case guidance system, release mechanism, which, of course, improve the selection criteria guiding the administrative case, a clear case release the main administrative guidance, clear release of guiding administrative case and Perfection of guidance sexual administrative cases establish procedures; perfect our implementation and supervision of the administrative case guidance system protection mechanism, on the one hand to improve the selection of judges and incentive mechanisms for administrative proceedings, on the other hand you are trying to build our guiding administrative case information database. This paper hopes through the several improvement measures to further improve China’s administrative case guidance system, so that it can give full play to the guiding role of the administrative case to promote the unification of the field of administrative trial law applicable to improve the level of administrative adjudication.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】197