

Research on Marx’s Popularity in the Seventeen Years after the Founding of PRC

【作者】 丁贝贝

【导师】 车美萍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 马克思主义是中国共产党的理论指导和思想武器。在马克思主义的指导下,中国共产党领导人民取得了新民主主义革命的胜利,推翻了帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义的统治,建立了人民民主专政的新政权。新政权的建立,为马克思主义理论的进一步传播扫清了障碍。建国十七年(1949年-1956年),中国共产党高度重视马克思主义理论与群众相结合的大众化工作,并把它作为党的思想理论建设及宣传工作的重点。在马克思主义理论的指导下,中国共产党领导全国各族人民顺利的完成了国民经济的恢复、社会主义改造等任务,实现了社会主义,开辟了社会主义建设的新时期。可以说,马克思主义传入中国的中国化进程及大众化过程,是中国革命和建设取得胜利的前提条件。建国十七年是党的社会主义革命与建设历史上十分复杂的历史时期,整个社处于急剧的社会变革中。马克思主义主流思想意识的确立更是经历了复杂且极具特色的“除旧立新”的过程。在这一过程中有成功的经验也有失败的教训。通过对建国十七年马克思主义大众化开展状况的研究,不仅可以从历史的角度对这一特殊历史阶段马克思主义大众化实施的背景、必要性、基本原则和具体路径等方面进行探究,而且从现实角度,可以从中总结出一般的规律性经验和教训,从而推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的发展,进而推动文化的大发展、大繁荣。全文共分为以下几个部分:导论部分,主要阐述了文章的选题背景、研究现状、研究方法、创新点和难点。第一部分,建国十七年马克思主义大众化历史背景。对于建国十七年马克思主义大众化的背景本文主要从政治、经济、文化、社会等方面进行分析。通过对建国十七年马克思主义大众化开展的历史背景进行分析,对于全面把握时代历史及科学分析其精神实质具有重要意义。第二部分,全面分析了建国十七年马克思主义大众化的工作历程。本文认为建国十七年马克思主义大众化在中国的传播、发展主要经历了两个阶段,1949年----1956年马克思主义大众化平稳过渡阶段,1957年----1966年马克思主义大众化曲折前进阶段。通过建国十七年马克思主义大众化基本历程的分析,有利于对建国十七年的马克思主义的大众化思想有了整体的把握。第三部分,具体阐述了建国十七年马克思主义大众化马克思主义大众化的途径与方法,包括推动理论研究与通俗化解读;构建多层次的理论宣传教育体系;开拓多途径的宣传渠道。第四部分,建国十七年马克思主义大众化的历史评价,包括建国十七年马克思主义大众化的取得成就及主要教训分析。通过对建国十七年马克思主义大众化正反两方面的分析,有利于我们全面把握建国十七年马克思主义大众化的历史功绩,总结经验、吸取教训,以期对当代中国马克思主义大众化以启迪、指导意义。第五部分,总结了建国十七年马克思主义大众化的具体经验启示,即:坚持马克思主义基本立场是马克思主义大众化的前提;加强理论与创新是马克思主义大众化的不竭动力;理论通俗化是马克思主义大众化的有效途径;坚持以人为本是马克思主义大众化的根本保证;创新传播平台是马克思主义大众化的重要渠道;建设学习型和服务型政党是马克思主义大众化的组织保证。

【Abstract】 The Marxism is the theoretical guidance and ideological weapon of the Communist Party of China. Under the guidance of Marxism, the Communist Party of China led the people to obtain the victory of the new democratic revolution, and overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism, and establish a new regime of the people’s democratic dictatorship. The establishment of a new regime cleared the obstacles of the further spread of Marx’s theory. In the seventeen years after the founding of PRC, the Chinese Communist attached great importance to the popularization work of Marxism and take it as the focus of the party’s ideological and theoretical construction and propaganda work. In Marx’s theory, the Chinese Communist Party led the people of all ethnic groups successfully complete the recovery of national economy, the task of the socialist transformation, and opened up a new period of socialist construction. It can be say that, the process of Marx’s popularity in china, is a prerequisite for the victory of the Chinese revolution and construction.The seventeen years after the founding of PRC was a very complex period in the history of the socialist revolution and construction.The whole society was in rapid social change. The establishment of Marx’s main thoughts experienced a complex and unique "clear the old and establish the new" process. In this process there were successful experiences and failure lessons. Through the study of the Marx’s popular development situation, we can not only explore a historical perspective, the background, necessity, basic principles and specific ways, but from can sum up the experience and lessons, in order to promote the development of contemporary Chinese Mark’s popularity’s popularity, and then promote the development, and cultural prosperity.This paper consists of the following parts:The introduction part, mainly expounds the innovations of the background, research status, research methods, and the study’s difficulty.The first part is the historical background of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. It mainly about the political, economic, cultural, social and other aspects of analysis. Through the analysis, we can have a full understanding of historical and scientific analysis of the spiritThe second part is about the basic course of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. The course had two stages, included1949----1956, the smooth transition stage of Marx’s popularity,1956-1966, the zigzag period.of Marx’s popularity. Through the analysis of the seventeen years of Marx’s public basic course, we can have a overall grasp about Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. The third part expounds the ways and methods of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. It includes Strengthen the research of the Marx doctrine; analyze the population characteristics and construct all-round, multi-level, pragmatic system of Marx’popularity;make full use of various form and carrier, to strengthen the propaganda and education of Marx theory.The fourth part is the historical evaluation of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC, including the success and lessons of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. Through the analysis, we can fully sum up the experience and learn lessons in order to promote the contemporary Chinese Marxism popularization.The fifth part is the enlightenment of Marx’s popularity in the Seventeen years after the founding of PRC. It includes:Adhering to the basic position of Marxism is the premise of Marx’s popular; Strengthen the theory and innovation is an inexhaustible motive force; The theoretical popularization is an effective way to Marx’s popularity; Adhere to the people-oriented is the fundamental guarantee for Marx’s popularity; Innovative communication platform is an important channel of Marx’s popular; The Construction of Party of learning and practice is organization guarantee.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期