

Stydying of the Media Power and Responsibility in the Context of Contemporary China

【作者】 李欣

【导师】 丛新强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 媒介生态学’media ecology"是指用生态学的观点和方法来探索和解释人与媒介、社会、自然四者之间的互相关系及其发展变化本质、规律的科学,将生态学的一些研究理念和研究方法应用到媒介研究中。媒介生态学把世界看做一个生态系统,媒介作为生态系统中的一个组成,同其他系统之间相互影响。媒介生态系统的基本构成要素包含媒介系统、社会系统和人群系统。媒介生态环境中的各项要素影响着媒介的发展,而媒介的变化也反作用着媒介生态环境。媒介系统与社会系统之间互动,媒介系统的内部要素互动,这些频繁复杂的互动关系导致了信息、能量、资源的交换、交流与共享,最终导致媒介生态环境中各系统的相互影响和相互构建。本文选择媒介权力和媒介责任作为主要研究对象,以媒介生态环境理论为理论依据,梳理中国当代媒介权责变迁,研讨自媒体对媒介生态环境和媒介权责的影响。最终探讨如何在未来的社会发展中,使中国的媒介权力、责任为社会进步提供更多“正能量”,促进社会不断进步。本文第一章为绪论,介绍研究框架和研究方法。第二章,概述媒介权责变迁与媒介生态环境间的关系,理清理论基础。第三章,纵向梳理中国当代各历史时期媒介生态环境变化和随之产生的媒介权力、责任变迁。最近10年随着网络开放程度越来越高,公民参与网络言论的积极性高涨,网络舆论的影响也越来越大。中国正在迎来一场网络民间舆论的狂欢。在这场民间舆论狂欢中,一个人人都是媒体记者的自媒体时代已经到来。民间舆论场正在逐步走进社会舆论的中心位置。自媒体信息不仅为传统媒体提供信息源,甚至直接影响着事件的发展走向。因此本文特别单列第四章,以最近10年由网络民间舆论引发的媒介事件为实例,研究自媒体在媒介事件中所扮演的角色,和其中掩藏的媒介权责变移。前四章已经对中国当代媒介生态环境变化导致的媒介权责变迁做出了梳理,分析了自媒体时代网络舆论场对媒介权责的影响。第五章则将对未来中国媒介权责发展的路径进行探究。在真正的民主社会中,媒体应该以一种高层的、监察的角度来看待公权力,而非取代公权力。随着我国社会制度自身的完善和改革,民众公民意识的崛起和受众媒介素养的不断提高,媒介权力终将回归到自己本应的位置,坚持自己的行业原则,发挥社会职责,正确行使权力,帮助社会有序运行,真正实现让任何权力都在阳光下各司其责。

【Abstract】 Media ecology is the study of exploring and explaining the relationship between people, media, society and nature, and its development, based on the ecology viewpoint and method. Apply some research ideas and methods of ecology into the media research. Taking the world as an ecosystem, media system is one of the component, interacts with the other systems. Media systems, social systems and the crowd systems constitute the media ecosystem.Media has interactive symbiotic relationship with society, the factors in the media ecological environment influence the development of media, and the change of media react the media ecological environment. The interaction between media system and social system, the interaction between media system and internal factors.Including the relationship between people and media, media and media, media and social, nation and nation. Frequent and complex interactive relationships lead to the information,energy and resources exchange and sharing. Finally, the interactive relationships lead to influence and building on each other.The media power and responsibility are the main research objects, based on the media ecology environment theory. Combing the changes of the media power and responsibility in contemporary China. Studying the self-media impacts the media ecology environment and media power,media responsibility. Finally,discussing how to use the media ecological environment theory for promoting social progress in China.Chapter1is introduction introduce the research framework and methods. Chapter2is the summary of the relationship between the media ecological environment theory and media power, responsibility. Chapter3is the media ecological environment change since the new China.The nearly10years, with the network open, the influence of network public opinion is becoming more and more big. China is entering into an orgy of network public opinion.The self-media age is coming,in this age,everyone as a media reporter. Public opinion field is gradually into the center of the social public opinion.The public opinion becoming the source of information and influencing the events. So the chapter4studies the media power and responsibility in the self-media age.The first four chapters search the relationship between the change of media ecological environment,the media power and responsibility, and the public opinion impacts. Then, in the chapter5,I will search the future changes of the Chinese media ecology environment and it’s influence on media power and responsibility.In real democratic society, the media should be in a high-rise, supervisory perspective on public power, rather than replace the public power. Along with our country social system improving and reforming, people to the rise of civic consciousness and media literacy. Media power will return to your position, adhere to their industry and social responsibility. Media should help society orderly operation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期