

Study on Learning Burnout、School Belonging and School Factors of a University Students in Baotou City

【作者】 段美林

【导师】 徐凌忠;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共卫生(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景近几十年我国高等院校进入高速发展的时期,教育改革也在积极进行。随着我国本科院校招生规模的扩大,大学生就业压力的增加,对专业的选择也多是看重社会的需求和潮流,忽略了本身的学习兴趣和专业爱好,影响了对专业知识的学习。对当前大学生学习问题研究的结果显示,大学生学习问题中学习倦怠问题比较突出,学习倦怠指大学生在长期的学习压力下产生的异常的极端反应,从而使大学生学习上出现生情绪耗竭、个人成就感低、行为不当等症状,影响了学生正常的学习生活。医学类院校的大学生学习任务比较繁重,研究医学类大学生学习倦怠的现状及其危险因素具有重要意义。研究目的描述大学生学习倦怠的现状及影响因素;分析大学生学校归属感情况;阐明大学生学习倦怠与学校归属感之间的关系;研究学习倦怠和学校因素的关系,为大学生学习教育的管理提供理论上的支持,对高校管理者进行科学管理具有一定的参考价值。研究方法本研究采用现状研究的方法,采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,拟选取包头市某本科院校一至四年级上课的学生,通过问卷调查了解包头市某医科大学学生的学习倦怠、学校归属感、和学校相关因素的基本状况。采用epidata3.1建立数据库,用SPSS17.0软件进行数据分析。主要结果本次研究中影响大学生学习倦怠的主要因素包括学校归属感、学习环境、学生管理及师资教学水平;大学生的学习倦怠在性别、学院(系)、年级、专业上存在差异,在是否学生干部、学生城乡来源上不存在差异;大学生的学校归属感在生源地、是否学生干部、年级、学院、专业上存在差异,在性别上不存在差异;大学生学习倦怠与学校归属感的水平显著相关;大学生学习倦怠与学校因素的水平显著相关;大学生学习倦怠各因子之间及学校因素各因子之间也存在显著相关。结论与建议医学类大学生学习倦怠状况虽说不是很严重,但是情况也不乐观。医学类大学生学习倦怠与学校归属感、学习环境、学生管理、师资教学等因素有关。建议提高医学类大学生的学校归属感,学生工作人性化管理,提高教师的教学质量来减少学习倦怠现象的发生。

【Abstract】 Background:In recent years, China’s higher education into the high-speed development period, the education reform is being carried out. With the expansion of enrollment scale of universities in China, increasing employment pressure of college students, professional choice is also important demand and the trend of society, to neglect their study interest and hobbies, influenced the study of professional knowledge. On the current problems of college students shows, learning problems of college students learning burnout issue more prominent, learning burnout refers to the abnormal extreme response of college students in long-term learning pressure, so that the students learning. Student’s emotional exhaustion, personal sense of achievement, improper behavior symptoms such as low down, affecting the normal students learning to live. Medical college students learning tasks are relatively heavy, has the important status and risk factors of Medical College Students’learning burnout research.Objectives:To describe the status and influencing factors of College Students’learning burnout; analysis of college students sense of school belonging; clarifies the relationship between burnout and school belonging to college students; Study on the relationship between learning burnout and sense of school belonging, to provide theoretical support for college students education management of colleges and universities, management has a certain reference value of scientific management.Methods:Methods of the study, using the method of stratified random cluster sampling, we select some universities in Baotou city to the fourth grade students, through the questionnaire survey to understand the learning burnout, school belonging to a medical university students in Baotou City, and by the school basic condition. The database was established by using epidata3.1, data were analyzed by SPSS17.0software.Main Results:1) The main factors affecting college students’learning burnout in a study including school sense of belonging, learning environment, students and teachers teaching level.2) college students learning burnout in terms of gender, the College (Department), grade, professional differences, there is no difference on whether the student leaders, students of urban and rural sources.3) college students school belonging to the students, whether the student leaders, grades, college, professional differences, there is no difference in terms of gender.4)The Learning Burnout school belonging significantly related.5)college students’learning burnout and school factors significantly related.6)Learning Burnout factors and school factors significant correlation between the factors.Conclusions and suggestionsMedical student learning burnout is not serious, but the situation is not optimistic. Medical student learning burnout and school belonging, learning environment, student management, teacher teaching etc.. Recommendations to improve medical students’sense of school belonging, students work in the humanized management, to improve the teaching quality to reduce the incidence of learning burnout phenomenon.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G444;G645.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】337
  • 攻读期成果