

Market Analysis Report of Tea Circulation in Jinan

【作者】 王文

【导师】 张乃丽;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际商务(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 茶叶是中国一种古老的农作物,中国种植茶叶具有悠久的历史,并且茶树种类丰富,茶叶产量大,是重要的茶叶出口大国。但是茶叶的流通却面临着瓶颈。近些年,随着改革开放的不断深化和社会主义市场经济的发展,流通业对促进中国工业化的步伐、引导消费、推进经济体制改革和可持续发展等方面的作用日益凸显。因此,人们开始改变过去只重生产不重流通的观念,越来越重视茶叶流通的作用。济南市独特的地理位置,使得济南市成为南茶北销的重要枢纽,茶叶流通非常发达。济南市拥有大大小小的茶叶市场10家左右,这对推进茶叶流通具有非常大的作用。目前济南市最大的茶叶批发市场——济南茶叶批发市场,更是济南的骄傲,该市场自1996年建立以来实现了突飞猛进的发展。此外,济南市茶叶销售辐射面非常广泛,包括全国各地十几个省和直辖市。除了大量的茶叶市场作为茶叶流通的重要保障,茶博会的举行也为茶叶的贸易提供了场所和机会。自2001年起,由济南茶叶批发市场承办的中国济南国际茶博览会已连续举办了6届,成为中国茶叶流通协会确定的两大展会之一。在第六届茶博会上,短短三天时间中观众达到5.8万人次,交易合同及意向协议共计1100多份,交易额累计达到2.8亿元。但是,由于济南市茶叶流通市场的发展还不成熟,并且中国目前茶叶发展整体不完善,济南市茶叶市场面临许多问题。第一,济南市茶叶市场的茶商素质普遍偏低,发现有假冒伪劣、以次充好的情况,并且产品包装随意;第二,济南市的茶叶品牌数目众多,但是真正知名的品牌非常少,并且由于山东省的历史因素,在济南市茶叶市场上难觅鲁茶的踪影;第三,大多数消费者对于茶叶知识的了解非常少,只认价钱和茶商的介绍,无法满足自身需要;第四,茶叶的行业管理混乱,众多部门同时管理,存在着相互推诿的的情况,缺乏行业标准;第五,济南市茶叶流通市场的电子商务水平低,信息少、内容老旧,无法满足消费者对茶叶信息的需求;第六,流通市场的营销模式单一,主要以茶叶批发市场为主,没有形成多元化的流通模式。面对济南市茶叶流通市场的诸多问题,要实现茶叶流通的可持续发展,首先要推进人才的引入,从而提高整个行业的水平;其次,积极迎合商铺和消费者的需求,建设专业市场,形成高档次、高标准的大型的茶叶交易中心;再次,在推进茶叶产业化的同时,加强行业管理,统一质量标准,以龙头企业为核心,整体推进品牌战略的实施;最后,要积极推广先进的茶文化,以茶文化来吸引全国各地的消费者,实现茶知识的普及。这样,济南市茶叶流通市场可以得到改进,发挥其对经济发展的推动作用,促进济南市茶叶经济的快速发展。

【Abstract】 Tea is an old crop planted in China which owns a long history. China is bound in varies of tea trees and has a large tea production, which makes China become an imp ortant tea exporting country. However, the circulation state of tea seems to meet a bottleneck. In recent years, with the further development of the reform and opening up, as well as the socialist market economy, the circulation industry has a more prominent impact on China’s economy, such as, promoting the pace of China’s industrialization, guiding consumption, propelling the economic structure adjustment and sustainable development. Therefore, the old ideas that only emphasize production rather than circulation begin to change, and more attention is paid to the role of the tea circulation.With a unique geographical location, Jinan well developed its tea circulation, which makes it an important hub for the southern tea selling to the north. Jinan has about10tea market of all size, playing an important role in promoting the tea circulation. The biggest wholesale market in Jinan currently is Jinan Wholesale Tea Market, being the pride of Jinan, which has achieved rapid development since1996when it was built. Moreover, including more than a dozen provinces and municipalities across the country, tea sales radiating surface in Jinan is very wide. Other than having a large number of the tea market to guarantee the circulation, the holding of Tea Expo also provides trade places and opportunities for tea trade. Since2001, Jinan Wholesale Tea Market has undertaken China International Tea Expo for6times, which has been one of the two exhibitions identified by China Tea Circulation Association. On the6th Tea Export, the audience reached to58,000, besides, more than1100trading contract and intention agreement were achieved and the total trading value reached280million RMB only three days. However, since the development of the Jinan tea circulation market is immature and the current overall development of tea in China is imperfect, the tea market in Jinan is facing many problems. First, the overall quality of the tea tradesmen in Jinan tea market is generally low. The phenomena of fake and shoddy, as well as random product packaging can be found. Second, although the brand in Jinan tea market is numerous, real famous brand is rare. Furthermore, because of historical factors in Shandong Province, it is hard to find a trace of Lu tea in Jinan tea market. Third, the majority of consumers, grasping little knowledge of tea, only rely on the price and the introduction by tea merchants in the tea market, which was unable to meet their needs. Fourth, with many departments take charge simultaneously and mutually making excuse, the tea industry management is confused and lacking of industry standards. Fifth, the e-commerce used in Jinan tea circulation market is of low level. Thus, little information and old content cannot meet consumers’demand for tea information. Sixth, the marketing model, mainly depending on tea wholesale market, is single and has not formed a pluralistic circulation patterns.Confronted with the issues of tea circulation market in Jinan, many solutions should be adopted to realize the sustainable development of tea market. Firstly, promoting the introduction of talents that helps to improve the level of the industry. Secondly, catering to the demand of businesses and consumers and constructing professional market in order to formulate large tea trade center of high-grade and high standard. Thirdly, meanwhile promoting the industrialization of tea, strengthening the industrial management and unifying quality standards. Then taking the leading enterprises as the core and promoting the implementation of brand strategy as a whole. Finally, promoting advanced tea culture. Utilizing tea culture to attract consumers all over the country and realize the popularity of tea knowledge. So the tea trading market of Jinan will be improved and will give play to the role of developing economy, further boosting the rapid development of Jinan’s tea economy.

【关键词】 茶叶流通问题对策
【Key words】 tea circulationissuessolutions
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F326.1;F723
  • 【下载频次】276