

Research of the Administration and Reformation of Charitable Organizations in China

【作者】 宋英启

【导师】 黄春蕾;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,慈善组织在我国遭遇多事之秋。“郭美美事件”、“中非希望工程事件”、“尚德诈捐门”,玉树地震的善款风波等一连串事件引发公众对慈善公益组织的强烈质疑,导致慈善组织陷入公信力危机,对中国慈善事业造成了致命伤害。受这一系列事件影响,民众对基金会等公益组织的信任急剧下降。2011年3月-5月,以慈善会和基金会为主的NGO接收到的捐款为63亿元,6月-8月却缩减为8.4亿元。这些被质疑的国内大多数公募性慈善组织,无论从组织内部还是生存环境来说,都带有明显的“行政化”倾向。其中绝大部分直接依托于各级政府的民政部门建立,和民政部门有着极其紧密的联系,他们以一种与政府相类似的逻辑在运作。发展慈善组织是化解社会问题、促进社会经济协调发展、维护社会公平的重要途径。正是认识了慈善组织的重要性,而慈善组织的“行政化”是限制其发展的关键因素,本文认为慈善组织只有进行“去行政化”改革,才能走上独立发展的道路,才能充分展现其在社会保障领域和公民社会建设领域的作用。本文在梳理我国慈善组织发展历程的基础上,全面分析了慈善组织“行政化”表现。我国慈善组织“行政化”主要表现在设立方式、登记注册、资源获取、组织结构与人员以及实际运作方面。在此基础上,深入探讨了慈善组织“行政化”的成因,例如:“强国家、弱社会”的社会结构;双重管理体制削弱了慈善组织的自治性;政府分权改革进程缓慢;新的体制和制度尚未形成,现有的慈善法规不健全;利益主体的自利需求使得“行政化”程度不断深化。明确了造成慈善组织“行政化”的原因,并分析了当前我国慈善组织“去行政化”改革的动力和阻力,在政府层面、慈善组织层面和社会层面对我国慈善组织如何“去行政化”进行了初步探索,希望在实践上有助于我国慈善组织“去行政化”改革,实现独立自主性发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Charitable Organizations had an eventful year in China. A series of events such as "GuoMeimei incident","China-africa hope project events","Suntech donation fraud door",The Yushu earthquake donation storm and so on triggered strong public questioning of charitable organizations, leaded Charitable organizations into credibility crisis,caused fatal damage to the China charity.Affected by this series of events, there was a sharp decline in people’s trust of the Foundation and other Public welfare organization.From March to May in2011,the donations Charity Foundation based non-profit organizations received was63billion,which reduced to8.4billion in June-August.Most of the domestic public offering charitable organizations are being questioned,no matter from within the organization or survival environment,these charitable organizations all have a clear tendency of administration.Most of which established directly on all levels of government departments of civil affairs, and has a very close relationship with the government, they are in a similar logic in operation.The development of charity organization is an important way to solve social problems, promote the coordinated development of the social economy and safeguard social fairness. It is in recognition of the importance of the charitable organizations, and charity organizations’"administration"is the key factor in limiting its developmentis,this paper think that Unless Charitable organizations conduct"de-administration"reformation,can charitable organizations embark on the path of independent development,and fully display its role in the field of social security and the construction of civil society.Based on analyzing charitable organizations’development in our country, there is a comprehensive analysis of the charitable organizations’"administration".Charitable organizations’administration in China is mainly manifested in the way of establishment, registration, resource acquisition, organizational structure and personnel, and the actual operation.On this basis, further discussed the cause of charitable organizations’ administration,such as the social structure of the "strong state, weak society";The dual management system weakened the autonomy of the charitable organization;the slow process of government decentralization reform;the new system has not formed and the existing charitable laws and regulations are not sound;the self-interest demand of subject makes administration more and more serious.Has been cleared about the cause of charity organizations’"administration", this paper analyzed the motivation and resistance of "de-administration" reform in charitable organizations.Conducted a preliminary exploration of "de-administration" reform in charitable organizations from the aspect of government, charity organization and society. Hoping that it can contribute to China’s charitable organizations’"de-administrative" reform and the independent development in practice.

【关键词】 慈善组织“行政化”改革
【Key words】 charitable organizationadministrativereform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D632.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】399