

Research on Measurement Technology and Application Based on Optical Properties of Crystal

【作者】 刘善文

【导师】 高成勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 含有电光晶体、声光晶体、磁光晶体、激光晶体、非线性晶体、光折变晶体、闪烁晶体等许多分类的光学晶体因其良好的应用前景受到人们的广泛关注。这些晶体的光学特性是其衡量其性能的主要指标,因而对这些晶体的基础光学特性进行测量和应用的研究是十分有必要的。本文主要对具有钨青铜结构(Tungsten Bronze,简称TB)的光折变晶体掺钙的铌酸锶钡晶体(分子式(Ca0.28Ba0.72)x(Sr0.60Ba0.40)1-x Nb2O6,简写为CSBN)在外电场作用下的吸收谱的变化做了理论分析和实验研究,得到了外电场作用下不同掺杂的浓度的CSBN晶体的吸收谱数据并分析了影响其吸收谱变化的主要因素。我们还利用锥光干涉结合数字图像处理技术对掺钕钒酸镧晶体(Nd:LaVO4)的双光轴夹角进行了测量并利用自己编写的测量软件实现了该测量的自动化和误差修正功能。此外,我们还对CSBN晶体的自泵浦相位共轭现象进行了实验和应用方面的研究。本文的主要研究内容包括:1.对CSBN晶体在外电场影响下吸收谱的变化特点进行了讨论,按前人研究在外电场下对吸收谱起主要影响作用的是温度也就是热量,按此观点进行理论分析发现吸收系数与电场强度的平方成线性关系。我们在电场强度为0Kv/cm-2.1Kv/cm下对CSBN50和CSBN75晶体的吸收谱进行了实验验证,发现其吸收并不与电场强度平方成正比,而是一个振荡性的变化,而且不同掺杂浓度下,其外电场下吸收谱变化大不相同,另外还进行了补充的对比试验以证明确实是电场的影响而非其他干扰而出现的结果。我们从其晶体结构上分析了掺杂浓度对光吸收的影响,对于振荡吸收的结果,我们认为是其添加外电场时空间电荷场的振荡平衡过程所致。最后,我们从吸收系数和吸收长度两方面分析了外电场作用的影响,从计算结果看,外电场主要影响的是晶体的吸收系数,光束在晶体中传播长度虽然也会变化但影响较小。因为在此类晶体的研究过程中加外电场是常用的研究手段,在此情况下的吸收谱特性对相应领域研究者具有重要的参考意义,这也是本研究的重要应用。2.鉴于目前对双轴晶晶轴定向主要依赖于X射线衍射法这种复杂程度高,成本高的方法,而测量双光轴夹角并没有能保证精度的成熟方法,我们从晶体的锥光干涉中得到灵感,认为可以通过晶体的锥光干涉图样很精确地测量出双轴晶双光轴的夹角。首先我们分析了双轴晶体锥光干涉图样的形成、形状特点和数学描述,从中得到了判断其光轴方向的依据,以此为基础设计并搭建了实验光路对激光晶体掺钕钒酸镧(Nd:LaVO4)的双光轴夹角进行了测量,得到了该晶体双光轴之间的夹角为27.83。,精度0.5。。为提高精度并提高测量的自动化程度,我们利用C++Builder编制了一套自动测量软件,实现自动采集实验图像、判断光轴方向、修正实验误差,计算测量结果等功能,完成了测量的自动化,为要求精度不高的场合提供了新的测量方法,并可在改进后应用到更多场合中去。3.对光学相位共轭的理论基础进行了总结,介绍了相位共轭波的数学描述、四波混频作用与相位共轭波的产生,描述了光感应光散射与扇形效应,总结了目前主要的四种自泵浦相位共轭的理论模型。我们搭建了CSBN晶体的自泵浦相位共轭实验光路,并进行了相应实验,主要观察并记录了部分光束发生自泵浦相位共轭现象时,晶体后面透射光斑的奇异变化,并对此进行了理论解释,认为是部分光束发生自泵浦相位共轭导致部分反射光束和透射光束被折射率光栅调制所致。我们还对自泵浦相位共轭在图像处理方面应用进行了探讨,并进行了图像边缘增强实验,得到了较好的实验结果,并对该结果进行了必要的理论分析,认为是四波混频产生相位共轭波中原始物光亮暗区被削弱,过渡区域得到加强所致。

【Abstract】 Photonic crystals, including electric-optical crystal, phonon-optical crystal, magneto-optical crystal, laser crystal, nonlinear crystal, photorefractive crystal and scintillation crystal had been studied intensively for their promising potential for application. Whereas the optical property is the key feature that is looked for, research on basic optical measurements and application test is necessary and important.The present paper will be focusing the study of photorefractive crystal (Ca0.28Ba0.72)x(Sr0.60Ba0.40)1-xNb2O6(CSBN), which has a Tungsten Bronze (TB) structure. Both theoretical and experimental studies were conducted on the absorption spectroscopy of CSBN in an applied electric field given varies Ca doping rate. Doping-dependent absorption spectroscopy data was obtained and analyzed. In addition, conoscopic interference together with digital image analysis was used to study the double-axis angle of Nd:LaVO4. Auto-measurement and auto-correction was achieved by a software program written by the author. Self-pumped phase conjugation was also studied on CSBN. In the paper, detailed research will include:1. Based on previous research that, for CSBN, the absorption in an applied electric field is mainly affected by temperature, the absorption coefficient should be proportional to the square of electric field intensity. Absorption of CSBN50and CSBN75crystals in an electric field range of0Kv/cm-2.1Kv/cm was studied. It is found that, instead of linear relation, the actual relation is oscillatory and the absorption is doping dependent. Together with additional experiments, it is confirmed that the electric field is more important in this case compared with thermal excitation. This phenomenon was analyzed in the perspective of structure. We propose that the oscillatory nature of doping-dependence result from spatial charge relocation upon applied field. Finally, the effect of external field on absorption coefficient and absorption length was analyzed. It is possible that based on the computation result, external field has larger effect on absorption coefficient than absorption length. As a conclusion, we demonstrated that applied external field is an effective way to study and understand the absorption spectroscopy, which is also an important application of the present research.2.Current double-axis measurements and angle detection techniques are largely based on x-ray diffraction. which is complex and high-maintenance. Inspired by conoscopic interference, the authors proposed that conoscopic interference pattern can be used to measure double-axis angle. Mathematical calculation was first conducted to establish the conoscopic interference pattern of double-axis crystal, based on which experiments was successfully conducted on the measurement of double-axis angle of laser-crystal Nd:LaVO4. The angle was determined to be60°with an error bar smaller than0.5°. The author utilized C++builder to program and managed to achieve data auto-collecting, auto-determination of optical axis, data analysis and uncertainty analysis on a single platform. This program can provide sufficient support in many application cases where high resolution is not needed.3. We summarize the theoretical foundation of the optical phase conjugation, introduce the mathematical description of phase conjugate wave, four-wave mixing effect and the generation of phase conjugate wave, describe the induction light scattering and fan effect, summarizes the main four kinds of self pumped phase conjugate theory model.We set the self pumped phase conjugate experimental light path, and has carried on the corresponding experiment using the CSBN crystal. We mainly observe and record when part of the light occurs self pumped phase conjugate phenomenon, transmission light behind the crystal has strange changes, and we give the theoretical explanation. We think it occurs because the self pumped phase conjugate of light and part of reflected light and transmitted light are modulated by the refractive index grating produced by self pumped phase conjugate. We also discuss the application of self pumped phase conjugate in image processing in this paper, and have got good experimental results. We considered the strengthening of Laplace factors in the self pumped phase conjugate wave lead to the emergence of image edge enhancement effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期