

Group Work and Self-confidence of Children from Low-paid Family in Cities

【作者】 杨莹

【导师】 任丽新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 社会工作(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,贫困问题是全球关注的焦点之一,对于正在快速城市化的中国,城市中的贫富分化问题突出。大量的低收入家庭的存在,使得成长其中的儿童也受到了贫困的威胁。低收入家庭儿童的物质匮乏,容易营养不良,受教育程度低,医疗保障缺乏,同时他们的心理健康也面临着一些问题——容易产生自卑、抑郁、逆反等负面情绪,自信心不足尤为明显。低收入家庭儿童因为缺乏自信在学习生活中常常表现为不积极主动,人际交往中胆怯,甚至出现行为问题。如果不及时引导,将不利于他们的人格发展和心理健康。近年来针对儿童这一服务对象的专业社会工作越来越多,在全国各地,以不同类型儿童为服务对象的社会工作实务均取得了一定成果。针对低收入家庭儿童自信心提升问题,使用小组工作的方法,利用小组活动形式的多样性,将是该问题由理论到实践的有效解决途径之一。为了提升城市低收入家庭儿童的自信心,本文从社会工作角度出发,采用小组工作的方法,以针对低收入家庭儿童开展的自信心提升小组为例,对小组活动的设计、准备、实施过程、评估过程进行详细记录和分析。通过结果分析,探讨小组工作方法介入城市低收入家庭儿童自信心成长的可行性,并从社会工作角度出发对该问题给予有效的建议。本文以“镜中我”理论、符号互动论、社会学习理论和小组动力学为理论基础,采用实验法、文献法、访谈法和问卷调查法相结合的方式对小组工作介入低收入家庭儿童的自信心提升进行研究。首先通过文献回顾发现,在已有研究中,多数学者将城市低收入儿童排斥在外,使研究欠缺普遍性和全面性,本文在此基础上弥补了研究的不足。使用小组工作方法介入的具体过程是:介入前期,使用访谈法,收集第一手资料,对服务对象的需求和社区环境进行评估;根据相关理论和服务对象的需求,设计了以“自信心提升”为主题的五次小组活动,并借鉴小组动力学的相关理论进行过程评估;活动结束后,成效评估使用了问卷调查法,对家长和儿童分别进行问卷调查,得出评估结果。本文结合活动成果和相关资料,得出研究结论,即低收入家庭儿童自信心的成长需要小组工作的介入,小组工作的介入有助于提升低收入家庭儿童的自信心。同时从社会工作角度对提升贫困儿童的自信心给予三方面建议:加强小组工作方法的有效介入;充分利用个案、社区的工作方法;加强社会工作对儿童成长环境和社会政策的影响。

【Abstract】 For a long time, poverty is one of the focuses of global attention, for China is in rapid urbanization, the gap between rich and poor is widening in city. There is a large number of low-income families existed, whose children are under the threat of poverty. The children of low-income families face many problems, such as material deprivation, malnutrition, level of education is low, and the lack of medical care, their mental health is also facing some problems-prone to low self-esteem, depression, rebellious and other negative emotions, lack of self-confidence is particularly evident. Children from low-income families because of the lack of self-confidence in learning life often manifests themselves not active, timidity in interpersonal interaction, and even behavior problems. If they do not timely be guided, this will be detrimental to the development of their personality and mental health. In recent years, more and more professional social work for children across the country, the different types of children’s services social work practice are achieved certain results. In order to enhance self-confidence for children from low-income families, the use of group work with group activities in the form of diversity is one of effective solutions from theory to practice.In order to enhance the self-confidence of children of low-income urban families, from the perspective of social work, this paper selects group work method, and makes the enhancement of self-confidence of the low-income families children for example; the design of group activities, preparation, implementation, and assessment process is recorded and analyzed in detail. By analyzing the results, explore the feasibility of group work involved in enhancing self-confidence of the children from urban low-income families, and from the perspective of social work to give effective suggestions for the problem.This paper is based on "mirror" theory, symbolic interaction theory, social learning theory and group dynamics, integrated use of the experimental method, literature research, interviews and questionnaires Through the literature review found that among existing research, most scholars exclude urban low-income children, which makes the study lack of universality and comprehensiveness. On this basis the paper makes up for the deficiency. The process of group work intervention:in the early stages of intervention the use of interviews to gather first-hand information of the client’s needs and assessment of community environment; According to the requirements of related theory and the client’s needs, designed five group activities about enhancement of self-confidence, and drawing on the theory of group dynamics to make process evaluation; After the activities, effectiveness evaluation uses the questionnaire survey method, which was conducted for parents and children respectively, to get evaluation results.In this paper, according to the results of the activities and related information, conclusions are, that low-income family children’s development of self-confidence needs intervention of the group work; that the intervention of the group work helps to enhance the self-confidence of low-income children. From the perspective of social work, the paper gives three proposals:to strengthen the effective involvement of the group work method; take full advantage of the case work, community work methods; strengthen social work’s influence on children’s growing environment and social policy..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】C916;C912.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】556