

Industrial Layout and Integration of Resources of the Peninsula Blue Economic Zone

【作者】 邱耀

【导师】 马奔;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着人类认识的不断提高,综合国力竞争特别是海洋生产力的竞争已成为21世纪综合国力竞争的重要方面。当今,各沿海大国纷纷将开发海洋作为重大发展战略来实施,普遍把主权管辖海域作为蓝色国土加以开发利用和保护,并不断向大洋和深海进军,发展蓝色经济已经成为世界性潮流。我国也在这样的国际环境下,积极发展海洋产业,构筑现代产业体系。国家主席胡锦涛同志于2009年4月在山东调研时提出了打造山东半岛蓝色经济区的战略部署。2011年1月初,国务院正式批复《山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划》,这标志着山东半岛蓝色经济区建设正式上升为国家战略,成为国家海洋发展战略和区域协调发展战略的重要组成部分,这也是我国“十二五”开局之年第一个获批的国家发展战略。在这样的形势下,潍坊地区围绕蓝色经济发展如何进行城市定位和规划,应该采取什么样的发展思路和措施,对蓝色经济区内产业布局与资源如何合理的利用和整合,才能保持蓝色经济的科学性,可持续发展性,这些问题都已经成为政府与社会各界最为关心的问题。蓝色经济区内的产业规划是对产业发展布局,产业结构调整进行整体布置和规划。其主要目的是为了最大限度的兼顾和协调各产业间的矛盾,进行科学、合理安排,做到根据潍坊地区的实际情况,因地制宜、因事制宜、突出重点产业、优势产业和劣势产业扬长避短、第一、二、三产业综合发展。文章根据经典的产业布局和资源整合理论,分析了经济增长极理论模式、区位竞争优势布局理论模式、产业集群与生态化理论模式四种理论模式的具体情况,结合潍坊地区的实际情况,通过著名的SWOT分析法,并建立SWOT矩阵模型,构建出一套综合的产业布局设想,突出表现产业结构在地域和空间上的优势,符合山东地区半岛蓝色经济区社会经济的发展方向,对潍坊地区的经济布局具有长远性、全面性和战略性影响的模式;与此同时,文章还利用SWOT分析法形成四个评价模块,即SO评价体系、WO评价体系、ST评价体系和WT评价体系,充分考虑资料的可获得性,通过对产业发展环境影响较大的系统进行分析,其中涉及到地区内的各个行业、各部门、各要素、各环节等方面的影响,体现社会经济的掌控力,并运用于产业空间分布规律,从事社会生产和经济活动。

【Abstract】 With the continuous improvement of human knowledge, the competition of comprehensive national strength especially the marine productivity competition has become an important aspect of the competition of comprehensive national strength of the twenty-first Century. Today, the coastal countries becoming to take the development of marine as an important development strategy one after another, take the sea areas under the jurisdiction of sovereignty as blue territory to utilize and protect, and continue to march into the ocean and abysmal sea.To develop the blue economic has become a trend in the world.Under the international environment, China is also developing the marine industry positively, and building a modern industrial system. President Hu Jintao proposed the strategic deployment to forge the blue economic zone of Shandong Peninsula when he came to Shandong Province for investigation in April,2009. At the beginning of January,2011, the State Council officially approved "the Development Plan of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone ", which marked the construction of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone rising to national strategies seriously, and becoming an important part of the marine development strategy and regional development strategy of the country. Meanwhile,this is the first national development strategy has been proved for the first year of the "twelfth five-year plan" of the country.In such a situation,surrounding the development of the bule economic zone,for remine the scientificalness and sustaination,which train of thought and measures should Weifang area take;how to use and integrate the industrial layout and the resources of the area,these problems have become the most concerned issues by the government and the social from all walks of life. The industrial planning of the blue economic zone is to make agreements and programming of the layout of the industry and the adjustment of the industrial structure. It’s main purpose is to maximize the balance and coordination of contradictions among industries, to make scientific, reasonable arrangement,and according to the actual situation of Weifang area, to suit measures to local conditions, suit measures to different things, to project the key industries, the competitive industries and the inferior industries,to make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages,and to make the first, the second and the third industries to develope comprehensively. According to the classic theory of industrial layout and resource integration..combined with the actual situation in Weifang area, this artical analyses four kinds of theoretical models:the economic growth pole,the regional competitive advantage, the layout mode of industrial cluster and the ecological patterns.Using the famous analysis method called SWOT, establishing the matrix model of it, the artical construct a comprehensive model of industrial layout, prominent expression of industrial structure in region and space, which according with the development trend of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone of the social economy.This model could have an long-term, comprehensive and strategic influence on the economic layout of Weifang area.Meanwhile, The article also uses SWOT analysis method to form four evaluation module, namely the evaluation system of SO, WO, ST and WT, considering the availability of data, by analyzing the most influencing system on environment of industry development, which relates to the influences of aspects include the industry, the departments,the elements, and the links.lt reflects the command of the social economy, and applied to the distribution of industrial space, to engage in social production and economic activities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】351