

The Relation between Zuo Zhuan and Oral Tradition

【作者】 井长海

【导师】 刘宗迪;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 民间文学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 鉴于先秦文献背后的口头叙事传统一直未得到国内学术界的充分认识,本文将以《左传》中的重耳故事为例,力图分析《左传》乃至先秦文献与口头传统的密切关系。首先,我们将《左传》中有关重耳的记载完全提取出来,进行叙事学的分析以确定这一叙事的完整性、自足性与独立性,从而可以将其作为一个完整的叙事独立研究。其次,以口头诗学理论三个层面的结构性单元一程式、主题(典型场景)、故事范式(故事类型)一逐层对《左传》中的重耳故事进行分析,我们发现《左传》对重耳的叙事多次运用了原本口头叙事所独俱的主题与重复叙事。再者,我们对比《左传》中的重耳故事与西方传说英雄的故事,二者在情节结构方面有着惊人的一致性。基于口头诗学的分析,我们可以确定《左传》中重耳故事的口头叙事本原。在文本分析之后,本文通过对春秋战国时期晋、赵口头传统与瞽史的史料的钩稽,证明《左传》与当时晋、赵之地口头传统的密切关系。晋、赵两国是在与戎狄游牧民族的不断斗争、融合过程中成长发展的,因而深受游牧民族的史诗传统的影响,晋、赵口头传统兴盛。从殷商始,瞽史一直作为口述历史的传承者,为国家、民族记忆着历史,为史书的文字写定搭建桥梁。因此,我们推论重耳故事以及其它口头叙事文本由最初的民间口传,到瞽史的诵唱,最后由文字史官编定载入典籍。

【Abstract】 Since the underlying oral narrative tradition of the pre-Qin literature has never been well recognized by the domestic academia, this thesis tries to analyze the close relationship between the oral tradition and Zuo Zhuan, even the pre-Qin literature, with the example of Chong Er story in Zuo Zhuan. Firstly, we completely extract the records of Chong Er in Zuo Zhuan to analyze and confirm the the integrity, self-sufficiency and independence of the narration from the perspective of narratology, then it can be researched as a independent complete narrative. Secondly, we analyze the story of Chong Er in Zuo Zhuan layer by layer from structural units of three levels in oral—formulaic theory which include formula, theme(typical scene), story-pattern(tale-type), and we found that the narration about Chong Er in Zuo Zhuan repeatedly applies themes and repetitive narration which are originally exclusive characteristic of oral narrative. Then we compare the story of Chong with the story of Western traditional hero, find they have amazing consistency in terms of plot structure. Based on the analysis of the theory of oral composition, we can confirm the oral narrative origin of the story of Chong Er in Zuo Zhuan.After the text analysis, from the examination of historical materials about oral tradition of Jin and Zhao and blind historiographer during the Spring and Autumn Period, this article demonstrates the close relationship between the oral tradition of Jin and Zhao and Zuo Zhuan. Jin and Zhao, the two countries were developing with the constant struggle and integration progress with the Rong and Di nomads, and by the impact of the epic tradition of the nomads, the oral tradition of Jin and Zhao flourished. From the beginning of the Shang, blind historiographer has been the inheritors of historical memory of the country and the nation, to build bridges between the oral historical text and the history books. Therefore, we infer that the story of Chong Er as well as other oral narrative text firstly were word of mouth originally, gradually became the chant of blind historiographer, then were written in ancient books by historian.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.7
  • 【下载频次】226